5. Windows

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"What do you think he does?" I talked to Frank on the phone as I finished brushing my teeth.

"Obviously sells drugs or something. At least he paid for the car. It's weird though Nadine. Who the fuck does that?"

"That's what I'm thinking. He's so demanding too. Like he's always ten steps ahead of me. I have his number now too. Guess his name," I laughed.

"He gave you his number?! Delete that shit! Who knows what the fuck he's gonna use you for—,"



"His name's Tyler."

"You're so dumb. You better stop talking to him. I'll see you tomorrow."

He hung up.

I sighed, taking off my shirt and bra as I began to slip into my pajamas. I took out my curls from the tight bun, looking at myself in the mirror. Ugh. I had some stress pimples visible.

I put my phone on charge.

Just then, a text lit up my phone.

thanks for the show.

My heart sank to my stomach. I turned to look at my bedroom window, running towards it as I looked out. The white McLaren drove off.

My breathing got faster as I shut the curtain closed.

I replied.

what the fuck?!

i never got your 'im home' text. i had to come check up on you.

I didn't know if he was fucking around with me. Was he trying to scare me on purpose? What the fuck? I couldn't comprehend what was unfolding. I couldn't do anything about it now.

Fuck, Frank was right.


"You got the car fixed?"

I grabbed my keys and an apple.

"Yeah, yesterday."

"How'd you pay for it?"

"So many questions ma," I sighed, trying to deter her from the truth.

I said goodbye as I got into the car, driving to class.

But then, a second thought.

Fuck that.

I decided to make my way to the barbershop next to the record store.

I parked in the same spot. Once I got out of the car, I decided to confront him.

I made my way inside the barbershop, over confidently. I didn't care about what would happen if I overstepped. I needed my boundaries.

"Is Tyler here?" I asked, looking around.

People were actually cutting hair.

"Nah, not right now," he blew smoke in face, "what you need?"

"Aye Taco, ain't that the girl T drove home the other night?" Someone in the back shouted.

Taco nodded, eyeing me.

"I just need to talk to him," I stammered again.

"Iron Boxing."

He started walking to the back.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Iron Boxing gym. He should be there."

I nodded, making my way back into the car.

Quickly I pulled up the address on my phone, it was a boxing gym on the wealthy side of LA. Around the Santa Monica hills. I was impressed, and began making my way there.

As I passed by the residential area, I couldn't help but stare at everything around me. Luxury cars, huge mansions, gated communities—It was crazy.

Five minutes later, I arrived to a huge gym; the architecture was gorgeous. All glass with teslas parked and charging outside the area. I walked in, the AC immediately hitting me.

Everyone was in their own bubble, a bunch of buff men and women working with the boxing equipment that was being provided. It was insane. I felt so out of place.

I looked around trying to look for his familiar face.


I looked over at the large boxing ring in the back, the familiar voice catching my eye.

I walked cautiously over; it was him. He was sweating profusely, throwing jab after jab before the guy he was in there with fell onto the ground, gripping the side of his stomach in pain.

"Good good. Stop. You're good," another guy came in, stopping Tyler as they helped the man on the floor. Tyler completely knocked him over.

I watched as he took a towel in his hands, wiping his face. The sweat on his shirtless body glistened under the harsh lights.

"Do you need help?" A worker came from behind me, a clipboard in her hand.

"Um, no I'm just looking around."

"Let me know if you want a tour of our gym," she smiled.

I nodded.

I turned back to look at Tyler, but he was gone. I walked closer to the ring to see if he had gone somewhere close.

"You looking for me?"

I jumped, turning around as he removed strap from the boxing gloves with his teeth.

"I need to talk to you."

"Right now?" He had a grin on his face, making it seem like it was a joke.

It made me angry.

"You really think you can just fucking look through my window and stalk me like that? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

He licked his bottom lip as he watched me finish my venting session. It looked like it went in through one ear and out the other.

He cornered me into the lockers behind me, "Is that all?"

A smirk played on his lips as he watched me tense up.

"I'm being fucking serious."

"Mhmm," he put his hands up in defense, "I'll leave you alone. For real."

I watched as he backed away, adjusting his boxing glove on once again.

"You can leave now. Unless you wanna watch?" He shouted at me as he got up on the boxing ring again.

People turned to look at me as I felt myself fluster. I rolled my eyes, leaving.

Something about him made me want to stay. To see what he would do if I did watch. I wanted to know where he lived, what he did, and how he could afford a gym that charged two grand a month.

I got into my car.

Closer: Tyler, The CreatorWhere stories live. Discover now