8. Cash

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I watched Tyler play his charm on new and potential customers; he was amazing at talking with such confidence.

"Are you here alone?"

I looked at an older gentleman, probably mid 40's.

"I'm here with a friend," I smiled lightly, turning my view back to Tyler a few feet away.

"Are you not allowed to make new friends?" He inched closer, and I felt myself begin to get nervous.

"I'm just not looking for anything."

"Are you in college?"

I nodded.

"What's your major?"


He nodded. He towered over me.

"You know, I could pay off your college tuition and more. I have a couple of friends in the industry. If you catch my drift..." He touched my arm, pulling me closer.

"Reynolds?" Tyler called from behind me as he got closer.

The man let go of me.

"You like my date?" Tyler was now face to face with him. He taunted him.

"Look, I didn't know she came with you. I wouldn't have bothered her at all if I knew—,"

Tyler threw a punch. The crowd that began to form gasped.

"She's not looking for no sugar daddies. You know how much you still owe me right?" The man held on to his face as he struggled to get up form the ground.

He put his hands up in defense; a bloody nose and a bruise forming on his lip.

"Can we please not talk about that right now."

"How much do you fucking owe me, Reynolds?" Tyler shoved him into the ground again.

"Twenty grand! I owe you twenty grand. I promise i'll get it to you by the end of the month. I swear," the man pleaded.

No one stepped in to help him. Tyler knew his power, he knew everyone was afraid of him.

Tyler turned at the crowd that looked wide eyed.

"Fuck y'all looking at?"

Everyone immediately removed their gaze; talking amongst themselves.

We both looked up at the stairs; the same man I had seen him interact with on the day of the delivery. His eyes widened as he realized Tyler had noticed him. He had watched the whole scene unfold.

Tyler took my arm as I followed him up the gallery of stairs.

"Let's get my money and get the fuck out of here," He replied.

I wasn't sure what to expect next. My heart was beating in my throat.

Tyler and I walked through the hallway before stopping at a bathroom. It was the only locked door.

"Open the fucking door," Tyler called.

It dawned on me. The man who had made this event didn't realize Tyler would eventually show up to get back what was his.

"Imma tell you one more time before I knock this shit down."

Tyler couldn't wait much longer. His shoulder pressed onto the door with one swift and hard push; dismantling it.

The man swiped the white powder from the bathroom counter as he put his hands up in defense; wiping his nose.

Tyler walked in, his fingers pressing into the counter as he examined the powder.

"You sniffing my shit while you're a week behind on my money?" Tyler began to get closer to him.

"I told you to give me until tomorrow—,"

"You don't tell me what the fuck to do. When I tell you to have my money, you better have my fucking money."

My eyes widened at the object Tyler began to pull from the inside of his trousers. He pointed it at the man as he pulled back the hammer on the gun; making a click noise.

"It's interest that comes with not having my money in time."

Tyler pulled the trigger as the man shouted in pain; the bullet landing on his left leg.

Tyler grabbed the bag of money next to the man, not caring about his cries for help.

He turned around, sticking the gun back into his trouser. T eyed me; chuckling as he watched my face in a state of horror.

"He'll be fine. It was a warning shot."

My heart was beating miles a minute. I couldn't believe what was happening in front of me. I couldn't believe how calm he was being.

"Let's go."

I looked at the bleeding man one last time as we made our way down the stairs.

Tyler took a piece of sushi from the waiter as we exited; everyone had their eyes on him. I was in shock—no one tried to stop him; although they knew he had done it.

We got in the car, making our way to who knows where. He drove in silence for about five minutes before three cop cars rushed past us. I knew they were making their way towards the event.

"H-have you done that before?" I asked lowly, keeping my eyes on the road.

"Only when it was necessary. You gotta keep niggas in check. Especially them. They think because they're rich they can just get away with not having your shit. I gotta remind them who's in charge or else they'll keep fucking with me."

I nodded.

"What if they come looking for you? They're going to tell the cops you did it—,"

"Rich white people like them get away with anything. They know i'll come looking for them if they end up snitching. You gotta instill fear. They're afraid of niggas like me," he turned to look at me.

He could tell I was scared—my gaze on the road said it all. I didn't even want to make any sudden movements.

We made our way into my neighborhood.

He parked in front my house, but the car door was still locked.

"You afraid of me?"

His stark question surprised me.


I lied through my teeth.

His hand reached into mine, and I watched as he interlocked it with my smaller one.


He let go of my hand as he grabbed a handful money from the bag, licking his finger as he counted. I watched as his hand sneaked under my dress, slipping the cash securely on the hem of my underwear. He knew exactly where to place it. It made me wonder if he had done that before.

"Thanks for coming with me tonight."

I made my way out, without saying another word. I still had to process everything.

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