12. Golf

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I skipped my class this morning, luckily I had the day off from work too. Tyler had texted me to join him at a country club in Bel-Air, where they'd be presumably playing golf.

I got ready as I checked my phone.

it's hot out there, wear something breathable

I chuckled as I rolled my eyes, I knew what he wanted. Hmm, what to wear to a golf course?

I dug through my workout drawer, something I haven't touched since I ran track in high school.

I pulled out some short black running shorts and a cropped tank top to go with some running sneakers. I slicked up my bun as I made an effort and put on a little more makeup.

I heard a honk outside as I looked out the window; Tyler.

I opened the passenger seat, Tyler eyeing me as I closed the door.

His lips reached over to mine before I lifted a finger in front of him.

"Just because I have a spare key to your house doesn't mean I'm not still mad at you."

He smirked.

"You're gonna make it real fucking hard today then."

I scrunched my face at him as we made our way back up into the Bel-Air hills.

"Who are we even meeting up with?" I asked.

"This lawyer and his wife."


"I gotta keep the relationships good between these people. He saved my ass a few years back from a drug charge. We cool now, we go golfing like once every month."

"Let me guess...He's one of the best lawyers in LA—," I mocked his deep voice.

"In California," he emphasized, looking over at me as we laughed.

We got to the country club; the golf course was huge. We got to the gate, it was secure so only a select few people could get in.

"Mr. Okonma, go right ahead." The older lady smiled as she opened the gate for Tyler to get through.

"Damn, they know you-know you."

"They better. I pay niggas ten grand a month for this shit."

My ears perked up at the price. I wasn't surprised at this point, honestly. We got out of the car as the vallet took the keys from Tyler.

We made our way into the check in. The lady assuring him that his other party awaited outside.

He put a hand on my lower back as we made our way outside.

He waved to a white man around Tyler's age, maybe a few years older. He was handsome to say the least—slicked brown hair with the classic blue eyes. His wife was pretty too, a blonde with a gorgeous body; fuck, I was jealous.

"What's up nigga!" Tyler greeted him, then slightly hugging the blonde.

"You don't get tired of calling me that huh?" The man laughed.

The man looked over at me, taking out his hand.

"Richard. Tyler's lawyer,"

"Nadine." I shook it.

"And I'm Jessica," The girl came over for a hug instead.

"You guys..." Richard insinuated with his eyes if we were something more.

"No, no just friends," I smiled. Tyler agreed.

Closer: Tyler, The CreatorWhere stories live. Discover now