10. Payback

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I woke up, feeling uneasy.

I felt numb.

I didn't understand what had happened last night. I knew I'd been wanting him; to feel him, kiss him. But not like that.

My thoughts trailed back to his hand gripping my neck. His taunting words as he slammed me into the wall.

It didn't feel right.

I removed the sheets off of me, walking past the mirror before I realized what I had marked on my body.

I looked down at my torso; I had formed bruises from last night. There was purple marks on my waist where he had gripped me harshly. Not to mention the red hickies that had formed on my chest and around my breasts. I bit my lip in pain as I touched the bruises, wincing as I let go.


I reached over for my phone, beginning to write out a text.

Where are you?

I debated on whether or not to send it to Tyler.

I deleted it and retyped it again. This time I hit send.

can we talk after my shift?

I changed for the day. I grabbed my stuff as I began making my way downstairs. Anxiously, I checked my phone but there was no response.

I tried to call him, but it went straight to voicemail. I sighed, greeting my mom as I left for work.

I parked in my usual spot and was already a few minutes late.

I ran inside the store, greeting Betty as she eyed me.

"Three minutes late Nadine."

"I know, I know. Sorry."

She sighed as she began to stock the back of the store.

There was a few customers looking around the record store, but it was slow.

I pulled out the phone under me, a text lighting up my phone.

you working on a sunday?

yeah it's so fucking slow. why?

i'll come by when your manager leaves. in an hour right?

I chuckled to myself, replying.

I snuck my phone back into my pocket as a customer approached me.


I watched Betty leave and shut the door behind her. I greeted a few more customers before Frank showed up ten minutes later. He smiled as he walked in.

"The fuck you look so happy for?" I asked.

"The fact that it's you behind that register and not me," He took a chair from the side and pulled it in front of the register.

"Fuck you. Aren't you supposed to be at work too?"

"The coffee shop closes early on Sundays."

I rolled my eyes.

"Anyway, I wanna meet you-know-who."

My eyes darted back to him.


"Don't act dumb. Tyler. I know y'all been hanging out."

"How the fuck?"

He pulled out his phone.

Closer: Tyler, The CreatorWhere stories live. Discover now