26. Cracking

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I woke up to the sunlight entering the dim room. I rubbed my eyes as I noticed Tyler sitting on the edge of the bed while he looked through his phone.

He turned around to look at me when he realized I'd woken up.

"You got class today?" His morning voice was raspier than it usually was.

"Yeah," I yawned.

"Get ready so I can drop you off on my way to the gym." He got up from the bed.

"Are you gonna tell me what happened last night or?"

He stopped in his tracks.

"It's over with."

"I have the right to know."

He sighed, lightly rolling his eyes as he ignored my remarks. Tyler pulled out some clothes from the drawer.

"That's what I'm saying; I fucking hate that you don't tell me shit." I pulled the covers off harshly as I got up.

"It doesn't fucking matter anymore. It's past shit."

"I'm not even sure I fucking know you. I have to keep pulling shit out of you to tell me. Who the fuck even are you?"

Tyler looked up at me from across the master bedroom.

His eyes were softer this time.

"I'm really fucked up Nadine—,"

"I don't fucking care. Just tell me."

He sighed before starting again, his eyes traced the tile floor.

"I met her at the strip a couple months back. We fucked on and off, she ended up getting pregnant and we decided to get rid of it..." he sat on the edge of the bed again, back facing me. It was like he couldn't even face it himself.

"She did it a few weeks ago. Came over last night 'cus I didn't show up. I told her I'd call. She ain't even want me there when I gave her the money for it."

"She just wanted to see if you'd care enough to show up regardless."

"How the fuck was I supposed to read her like that? I made up for it though. She's good as long as I'm around."

"Made up for it?"

"Her and her family taken care of. She told them it was me; they was against the abortion but they agreed if I just paid them off. It's fucked," he looked up at me for my reaction.

I didn't have any words or any way of reacting. I was just glad it was over for him.

He noticed I was quiet and proceeded to talk.

"You want kids?"

His question surprised me. I looked away.

"Kids? No. Fuck no. Not now..." I began to tie my hair up before I spoke again. "Do you?"

Tyler shook his head, getting up and making his way to the bathroom.

"I want whatever you want."

He shut the door behind him.


"I don't know. If it goes good I'm dropping out."

"Nadine you gotta be sure. Tyler paid your whole tuition; you might as well finish."

I sighed.

"What's the point if I have the connections already? It's a waste of time. Plus I'll get to give him back the money."

Frank shrugged.

"Whatever. I'll see if it works out first."

He agreed.

"Lucky. At least you got a plan B." He got into the car.

"You know once I get in my bag I'm putting you on too, right?" I laughed.

"Shut up."

"Nah for real. You could be my assistant or something—,"

"In your dreams." Frank rolled his eyes.

He began to start the car.

"You know I'm joking right. You'd be like, production manager or something."

Frank laughed again.

"We'll see. You got work tomorrow?"

"Uh, I have this thing with Tyler."

"On a Saturday?"

"It's this boxing thing at the gym. But I'll text you after."

"Bet. Tell your mom I said hi," he chuckled, driving off.

I made my way inside the house, my mom lounging in the living room.

"You home?" She called from the couch.

"Yeah. Frank says hi."

She smiled lightly.

"Where's Tyler?"

"At his house ma," I rolled my eyes. "You starting to like him more than I do."

She laughed.

"He's so sweet."

I kept my comments to myself. I couldn't help but laugh inside knowing he was this full on drug dealer that always had a gun with him. She'd never know.

My phone suddenly lit up, an unfamiliar email had appeared.


This is Mr. Anderson's assistant. He instructed me to give you passes to meet with a director who is currently shooting for a movie that will come out within the next two years. It is still in beginning production stages. If interested, please reply as soon as possible.

Fuck, it was happening. I bit my lip, following the instructions.

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