7. Supply and Demand

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"Ma, I'm going to a party Frank's throwing tonight."

I made sure to shut the door behind me as I set the keys down.

She looked at me from her laptop in confusion.

"Tonight? What's the special occasion?"

I looked around the room nervously.

"Uh, It's um, like a beginning of the semester party."

"Well as long as Frank's there, I guess. Don't do anything stupid though."

I smiled, nodding my head as I ran upstairs to get ready. I knew she would trust me if Frank was anywhere with me. She knew him well, and knew he cared a lot for me.

I was weirdly excited—I was going to get a glimpse inside his world.

I looked in my closet; what the fuck would a rich white lady wear? I didn't have anything designer let alone fancy.

I had the same skin tight black dress from my high school graduation, and I had no choice but to set it aside.

I jumped into the shower, and once I was out I began to dry my curls as I scrunched them up. I applied a lot more makeup than I usually did; even going in with eyeliner, lipstick, and fuck—why not lashes?

I had five minutes left as I began to put on my heels. I looked at myself in the mirror. Fuck, I felt too exposed. I wasn't used to showing off my body so openly. I grabbed a cardigan from my closet and threw it on over the dress.

It was 8:05, and I began to make my way downstairs. As I got to the kitchen I heard a familiar deep voice—oh fuck no.

"Nadine! Why didn't you tell me you had such a sweet coworker?!"

My eyes widened at the sight of Tyler sitting on the counter as him and my Mom conversed.

Tyler's eyes trailed my body as my mom's back was to him. He took advantage of her by using his charm.

"I thought I told you to wait outside," I growled at him.

"Your mom invited me inside. And you were taking forever," he smirked.

"Anyway, tell Frank I said hey! And don't bring her back too late," My mom stared as she disappeared upstairs with a glass of wine.

I began to get nervous now that she was gone.
It was only us.

He got up from the counter as he got closer. He took off the cardigan I had on harshly.

"Mm. I like that better."

I looked down, unsure of how to react.

"Come on, we don't wanna be late."

I followed him to his car as he opened the passenger seat so I could get in. He closed it as he walked around the car to get to the driver's seat.

"What even is this party thing?" I asked.

"Charity event. Remember that old nigga you saw when we went to do that delivery?"

I nodded.

"His daughter died from cancer. He does this charity event every year. He invites all these rich people and they drink and donate to his fund. People don't realize he keeps half of all that shit to himself—It's fucked up."

"And he invited you?"

He let out a chuckle.

"Nah. He owes me money. So uh, it'll be a little unexpected surprise."

My eyes darted back to him.

"Why the fuck do I have to come then?"

"Because I want you there."

"So I'm technically your date?"

He turned to look at me, smiling. I noticed the diamond grill he had on two of his teeth. I could only imagine how much it cost.

"Yeah, you my date."

I couldn't help but smile and I didn't understand why. I brushed it off quickly as we began to arrive. It was fancy cars parked all over the neighborhood.

His luxury car matched perfectly with all the others. Tyler's hand lingered on my lower back as we made our way inside the fancy party. I looked around the large mansion and took everything in. I couldn't believe I was standing here with all of these successful people that I clearly did not belong with.

"I'm gonna go get us some drinks."

I nodded as I stayed to the side, eyeing everyone as I watched them interact with one another. It was interesting to see how everything was.

I turned to look over at Tyler, I watched as he gave orders to the bartender. I hadn't noticed much before; but he looked incredibly striking. He had on some trousers with a button up blue shirt, and a bucket hat that complemented his style. He wore a gold chain; nothing fancy but you could tell there was more where that came from. He always looked so sharp—he looked rich and successful, just like every other person around him.

"Juice?" he handed me a glass.

"Juice? I thought this was wine?" I smiled.

"Nah, I can't have us drinking tonight. I can't fog up my head. I need to get my money." He took a sip.

He leaned back on the wall effortlessly, taking a sip as we people watched. People smiled at him as they walked past; it seemed like he knew everyone.

"That nigga over there," he eyed him, "owns one of the biggest business firms in LA. And those niggas over there are some of the most successful lawyers in LA. That old dude in the white? He's done plastic surgery on half the bitches in here," he took a sip before continuing, "Them people in the back over there are all doctors. Went to the best schools in the world. You know what they all have in common?"

I hesitated to know.


"They're all my clients."

My eyes widened.

"Your clients?"

"I supply them."

"With what?"

He looked over at me, grinning.

"It's not obvious to you?"

"Supplying could mean a lot of things."

He smiled.

"You're so fucking innocent."

I rolled my eyes.

Before I could say anything, a white lady came up to Tyler, whispering something in his ear. Tyler smirked.

"So I'll be seeing you, right?" she asked, biting her lip sensually.

"Oh, most definitely," he replied, his deep voice like melted chocolate.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked as she walked away.

"One of those lawyers' wife."

"What did she want?"

Tyler raised a brow, and I immediately caught his hint.

His lips got closer to my ear; I got goosebumps as he spoke with a heavy voice.

"Supply and demand."

Just as he whispered, a man came from behind him, greeting him. He whispered something into his ear. Tyler looked around as he took a baggie filled with white powder from his shirt pocket.

The man handed him money in the other hand as they exchanged it.

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