Have Something Sweet When You're Sad

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Kongpob’s first time outside went pretty okay.

    There was one incident where Kongpob greeted the bus driver a good fucking morning, but other than that their trip to the market was a success.

    Arthit thought it would be difficult introducing Kongpob to what humanity has to offer, but the alien took everything with an open mind as he points to different things and constantly asking ‘what is that?’

    Frankly, Arthit felt that he was just out with a kid and not a 20 something alien.

    They already had bought the necessary things for Mr. Giggles; a sleep mattress, a litter box, and a bag of dry food which cost Arthit more than he ever thought would, but he’s okay with how considerably his wallet got lighter with how Kongpob smiled and thanked him.

    They’re at a noodle shop right now, waiting for their food. They have nothing else to do, so Arthit thinks of asking Kongpob a couple of questions.

    “What planet are you from?” he starts. 

    Kongpob looks at him from studying the decorated placemat, saying, “The planet where I was born at was called M-21. I believe it’s at the 6th galaxy from here.”

    His mind is already blown; knowing that other galaxies exists and other species of alien does, too is highly fascinating for Arthit, and he wants to asks more questions about it, but something catches his attention.

    “Planet where you were born at?” Arthit questions, “Meaning you’re not originally from there?”

    Hesitation mars Kongpob’s features before answering, “My parents wasn’t from M-21.”

    “Which planet are they from?”

    “L-3,” is what Kongopb says when their food arrives.

    Arthit thanks the staff and watches Kongpob. This is the first time Kongpob is introduced to noodles, so he wants to know how the alien would start.

    It’s to his surprise when he sees Kongpob reach for the chopsticks, grabbing the spoon to take a slurp of the soup.

    Kongpob looks at him, his brow raised and says, “I’m not a complete Neanderthal, Arthit.”

    “Didn’t say you were,” he mutters before starting his own food.

    They eat in silence after that. At one point, Arthit sneaks in some chili peppers into Kongpob’s bowl, but the other catches him.

    Kongpob doesn’t like spicy food, says it hurts his tongue and “My lips are on fire, Arthit. Why are you laughing? Pour me some water!”

    It’s in the middle of Arthit slurping a long string of noodles when Kongpob speaks again.

    “My race . . .” Kongpob starts. Arthit chews the noodles as he waits for Kongpob to continue. It’s obvious that this matter is something sensitive to the alien, and so Arthit give him time. 

    Kongpob initiating to start this kind of conversation means that he trusts Arthit, and that thought puts a smile to his face and something warm settles inside him.

    Is it the noodles? He doesn’t think so.

    “My race doesn’t have a permanent home,” Kongpob continues lowly, intent on staring at his bowl of unfinished noodles instead of him. “We’re refugees.”


    Kongpob then looks him in the eyes, a small suggestion of a smile playing on his lips, and says, “Because of our genetic mutation, other alien races are after us.”

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