The Night Of The Living Idiots

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Halloween special

“What are you going to wear for tonight, P’Arthit?” Kongpob asks after dinner.

    Arthit scratches the back of his head as he cleans up the table. He’s going as a cat for tonight’s party.

    Every year, Bright hosts a Halloween party at his bar. And every year, Arthit has been bullied to wearing ridiculous costumes much to his liking.

    They came up with an idea since their university days when it comes to dressing up for the holiday. Each one of them are to think of Halloween costumes, and the month before the event they draw lots on who’s wearing what costume.

    Just last year, at the height of hyping the upcoming live adaptation of Aladdin, Arthit got Jasmine while Tootah got the genie –which was very fitting.

    They had a good laugh that night, and Arthit wouldn’t admit it due to the embarrassment he got, but he had fun as well.

    This year though he’s going to be a cat, and not just any normal cat; a sultry, sexy, cat. 

    He’s already thinking of ways to torture whoever thought of that stupid thing.   

    Arthit’s money is on Tootah.

    “I’m going as a cat,” is what Arthit says.

    “Oh, like Mr. Giggles?” Kongpob follows him to the sink, looming over him as Arthit starts the dishes.

    “Yeah, sure,” he can’t really tell Kongpob that he’s going as a slutty cat. Arthit doesn’t even know if Kongpob knows what ‘slutty’ is, so he keeps the details to himself.

    It was nice of his friends to extend the invitation to Kongpob. Even if they didn’t, Arthit will bring the alien with him.

    “What are you going as?”

    “An alien.”

    Arthit pauses on lathering the plates. He turns at the alien with a raised brow and says, “Like . . . like your real form?”

    Kongpob has the audacity to roll his eyes. “I told you, P’Arthit. This is my form now. I can’t just morph into something else.”

    “Then . . .”

    “I’m just kidding,” Kongpob chuckles. “I’ve searched the Google for popular Halloween costumes, and I’ve decided to go as a vampire.”

    Arthit sighs in relief. There are a lot of unwholesome pictures on the internet, and he doesn’t know how he’ll explain it if Kongpob starts asking questions –

    “Surprisingly, most Halloween costumes these days require little clothing,” Kongpob continues.

    He chokes.

    Arthit has already bought a leather shorts that stops in the middle of his thigh. At one point, Tootah had suggested wearing a crop-top as well, but Arthit is not comfortable showing that much skin, so he opted for a plain, tight, black shirt. He got a headband cat ears from Bright, and when Arthit asked where he got it Bright smirked and winked at him.

    He threw the damned thing and bought his own.


The party starts at 9 and they have only started dressing up right after Kongpob finished catching up with the new episode of this new anime he’s got hooked on.

    Arthit doesn’t mind getting a little bit late – anything to delay a night of his friends embarrassing him.

    Besides, he doesn’t know how Kongpob will react seeing him in costume.

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