Four Headaches And An Aneurysm

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It’s a Saturday and Arthit thinks about cleaning the house.

    He wakes up at 10am; his body thanking him for the well deserved sleep after a week of wringing his brain for his work. As usual, Kongpob is already up playing with Mr. Giggles at the living room.

    Arthit needs coffee to function, so he makes one.

    “Good morning, P’Arthit,” greets Kongpob, Mr. Giggles attempting to grab the yarn ball from his hand.

    “Morning,” he grumbles.

    It’s already late in the morning, and if Arthit is to clean the house he’ll need Kongpob’s help, but when he looks around there seem to be nothing he can do else.

    Ever since the alien had taken residence at his place, the house has been kept at a pristine condition. Kongpob had told him he cleans every morning when he wakes up which makes Arthit feel a little embarrassed because he knew the status of a house lived in by a 26 year old bachelor.

    It isn’t pretty.

    He thinks he’s taking advantage of Kongpob’s kindness, but the alien reassured him that it’s fine and that it gives him something to do in the morning aside from playing with Mr. Giggles.

    By the looks of it, Kongpob has already done sweeping the floor and dusting the furniture.

    It’s a good thing though – something he’s thankful for. And Arthit marvels at the promise of quietness this weekend will bring; no work, no sick Kongpob to test his patience, and no alien stalking.

    But all of this goes out of the window when he hears a car parking outside of his home.

    At first, Arthit stands in alert trying to recall how his dad’s car engine sounds, but upon listening carefully, he sighs in relief.

    He doesn’t know what to do if his parents drop by unannounced.

    This brings another problem though. If it isn’t his parents there’s only one car that would park outside his house unannounced like this.

    “Oh, shit,” he cusses.

    Arthit’s mind works in overdrive even before taking the first sip of his coffee. He has to think fast or else everything will go wrong – like very, very wrong.

    Kongpob looks at him in question, and there’s a momentary thought of shoving the alien in the backroom and hide him there for the rest of the afternoon, but that would be cruel, and Arthit is anything but cruel – or he likes to think.

    But his mind is slower in the morning, and before Arthit knows it four headaches comes barging in the front door.

    “Yo, Arthit!” his friend, Bright, shouts as if announcing his presence would make anything less problematic.

    He already has a glare in his eyes as his friends start entering his house one by one.

    Kongpob, who’s still on the couch, watches the guys with a tilted head.

    “Oh, shit,” his mind supplies.

    The only thing comforting Arthit from this predicament is that Mr. Giggles, oh their lovely cat –bless his feline soul, hisses at Bright before hiding behind Kongpob.

    “I didn’t know you have a cat,” is what Bright says.

    “I didn’t know you have a man,” Tootah says with a raised brow before eyeing him knowingly.

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