Headaches Just Don't Disappear Overnight

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Mr. Giggles is somehow looking at him with disapproval, but looks proud for some reason.

    When Arthit emerges from his room, Bright is cradling his hand on his chest, sniffing like a five year old.   

    “Your cat scratched me!” Bright wails. “Arthit! Did you teach your cat to attack me?”

    “I wish I could,” Arthit thinks. He doesn’t exactly feel guilty for his friend because knowing Bright his friend must have done something to annoy their cat.

    “All I did was to try to carry him,” Bright mutters.

    Kongpob rushes to where Bright is sitting, Mr. Giggles already following his favorite human.

    “I apologize, P’Bright,” Kongpob says. “Mr. Giggles usually takes to humans kindly.”

    “Don’t worry too much about it Kongpob,” Tootah says, smiling widely at the alien. “Bright is not exactly human so I understand if Mr. Giggles would want him dead.”

    “He’s not?” Kongpob tilts his head at Tootah to which everyone finds amusing.

    Arthit knows he has to intervene or else the conversation will stir into something he’s not prepared for, so he clears his throat to catch everyone’s attention.

    “What are you guys doing here anyway?”

    Knott, his bestfriend looks up at him and says, “We haven’t seen each other in so long, Arthit. We just thought it’d be a good idea to hang out.”

    “In my house?”

    “Well, Bright’s bar is still closed,” Prem cuts in. “And we’re hungry.”

    “Why not eat at your own places?” Arthit makes a move to sit on the couch, but Kongpob and Bright stands up.

    Everybody watches the duo as they head towards the kitchen whilst Kongpob fetches for some first aid kit at the back room.

    Mr. Giggles meows at him from the floor, and Arthit can’t help but think that the cat is reprimanding him somehow.

    “You know, saliva is a natural painkiller –

    Kongpob starts saying after he gets out from the back room, but even before he can finish his sentence Bright has started licking his bruise.

    The gang laughs, shaking their heads.

    “He’s very gullible, Kongpob,” Tootah notes.

    “And stupid,” Prem adds.

    “I’m not lying though,” Kongpob tilts his head at them.

    Knowing Kongpob, he’s probably telling the truth. Arthit didn’t know this fact up until now, and by the looks of it, so as his friends.

    Bright has this stupid smile on his face, and everyone rolls their eyes.

    As Kongpob is disinfecting Bright’s bruise, Knott bumps shoulders with him.

    “What’s the deal with you two?”

    “Nothing,” Arthit can’t look his friend in the eyes. He really doesn’t know what their ‘deal’ is, and Arthit has his mind filled with too many things to include his internal confusion in.

    “You didn’t even tell me you have . . . Kongpob,” Knott says to him privately.

    Arthit tries to offer a sheepish smile, but it looks more like a cringe. Knott is his best friend, and he usually tell him things, but he makes this one an exception since Kongpob is a special case.

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