I Really Am Going To Die This Time

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Kongpob is sick.

    When his alien roommate didn’t move after Arthit’s alarm clock started assaulting his ears, he got worried. Kongpob always wake up before him – preferring to start his day early which Arthit didn’t appreciate. And when Kongpob didn’t move by the sound of his alarm, he got a little suspicious before getting concerned.

    “Turn that fucking thing off, Arthit,” with a hoarse voice, Kongpob grumbled.

    It’s at that moment Arthit knew something was wrong. One, Kongpob had somehow shed off his tendency to use curse words, and secondly, they have already established their senior-junior relationship, and for Kongpob to address him so casually again was a tell to him.

    When Arthit went over to check Kongpob’s temperature, he flinched.

 “You’re hot.”

“This is no time for flirting, Arthit,”  Kongpob’s eyes were still closed, and his forehead started sweating, and he looks clammy.

“You’re burning,” Arthit ignored Kongpob’s antics in favor of checking his medicine tupperware in his bedside table. He still had some paracetamol and a couple of pain killers.

When Kongpob let out a cough he scanned for some cough tablets but didn’t find any. He mentally made a note to buy one later, but for now Arthit needed to make sure Kongpob was okay before he go to work.

“I’m dying, Arthit,” Kongpob croaked, finally opening his eyes to look at him.

“You’re not dying,” he rolled his eyes.

    Arthit still had time to go to shower and get dressed without being late, so he set aside the medicine he’ll give to Kongpob before heading out to the kitchen.

    “Why are you leaving me?” Kongpob had whined when he got out of the room.

    “Such a baby,” he muttered. 

    While examining his cupboard, he found out he didn’t have any soup available as well. He added that one to his grocery list mentally, and with a look on the clock, Arthit figured if calling in sick for work would be a good idea in order for him to watch over Kongpob, and –

    “What am I thinking?” 

    This is how Arthit finds himself babysitting a sick Kongpob in the living room whilst watching anime.

    Kongpob is currently cocooned in blankets lying on the sofa with a wet towel on his forehead to cool him down. Some anime is playing in the background about a kid whose sister got turned into a demon, but Arthit stopped paying attention when the soup got ready.

    In the end, Arthit called his boss to inform him that he won’t be coming to work due to a family emergency. It’s a good thing his boss is lenient when it comes to this, and Arthit promised to work at home when he can, so it’s all good.

    This is Kongpob’s first time getting sick, and it’s a good idea for Arthit to stay with him since Kongpob is an alien he wanted to be sure nothing bad happens to him. He had called the cat café as well telling them that Kongpob came with a fever and wouldn’t be able to go to work. They just told him to take good care of Kongpob and that the cats miss him already.


A sick Kongpob is a whiny Kongpob, Arthit learns. He’s also got a mouth of a sailor, which is not good when they’re in public or else they’ll really get into trouble.

    “What the fuck is in there?” Kongpob sneers at the bowl of noodle soup in front of him.

    “It’s just soup, Kongpob,” he rolls his eyes for what felt like the nth time of the day. Arthit has taken too many deep breaths, summoning all the patience he has, and reminding himself that murder is not an option and that he’ll surely get caught.

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