I'm Just A Cat. Give Me A Break.

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Once there was a stray cat in a neighborhood living off of scraps and leftovers by the old lady down the street.

    Giggles life had been hard – as hard as it would get for a feline like him.

    But then an unknown creature had adopted him.

    Now, Giggles knew the scent a human had; those tall creatures that makes weird noises whenever they see him on the streets. But the one who took him home smelt differently. The cat already knew something was off about the human.

    With an unfamiliar surrounding, Giggles recalled being anxious and stressed with the gleaming lights and weird looking machineries too cold for his liking.

    A harmless zap from one of the machines – as Giggles had been made aware after, accidentally gave the cat the ability to understand human language.

    And although Giggles couldn’t speak the tongues of humans, he understood when the man who took him home introduced himself.

    Kongpob was the human’s name – pseudo human, since Giggles really wasn’t sure what Kongpob was.

    There was another one – Arthit, whose scent confirmed him to be that of a real human, and someone Giggles would later subject to most of his exasperated look.

    The cat didn’t have a name before, but then Kongpob had given him one. And that’s where Giggle’s 7th life began.


Giggles didn’t really like his name; although the cat couldn’t voice out his protest in a humanly way, he had just stared at Kongpob dead in the eyes and gave out an equally deadpanned meow.

    He had learned to come around it eventually. As a form of gratitude for giving Giggles a steady home, the cat relented on being called such.

    The cat’s life changed after that. No longer did Giggles have to rummage for scraps in garbage cans, nor he have to hunt for small creatures at night. Kongpob presents his food to him in a silver bowl – sometimes Arthit would do it, but he was away most of the day.

    Aside from a free home and excellent tasting food, Giggles also basked in the affection the two humans gave him. He usually didn’t like it when strangers pet him, but Kongpob knew the spots where the cat finds pleasure.

    Arthit needed teaching, but the human learned fast.

    Sometimes when Giggles and Kongpob were the only ones in the house, the human would talk to him. The cat doesn’t know if Kongpob was aware of his ability to understand human language, but Giggles figures the pseudo human does because Kongpob’s eyes reveal himself easily.

    With the time Giggles had spent with Kongpob, the cat now knew that the human really wasn’t a human at all, but an alien from another planet.

    That blew Giggles’ mind.

    For a feline like him, the neighborhood was the whole world to him. And now that he got the ability to understand, Giggles now knew that the world was much larger than he originally thought.

    And to think that there were other worlds outside of this was too much for his feline brain to process.



“I miss my family,” said Kongpob one afternoon.

    They’re waiting for Arthit to come home. Lately there was a change in the air and how Kongpob acted. Giggles’ senses were good – better than those silly humans, so the cat knew that Kongpob viewed Arthit a little differently now.

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