Nighmares- Chapter Three

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Chapter 3  †


I was sitting in a rocking chair on my front porch waiting for Damon to pick me up. We Decided we were all going to ride in one car, that way we wouldn't get lost. And believe me, Olivia can get lost pretty easily.

I rocked back and forth. It was so peaceful this early in the morning. The sky was in brilliant shades of orange, purple, and pink. A light breeze swept through the trees, blowing my hair around my shoulders. I tried not to think about the dream I had last night, but I couldn't help it. I had to.

We were surrounded. By what I couldn't tell you. I looked over at my friends, all terrified. We had formed a circle with our bodies so we were all facing different directions. There were two I didn't know, a boy and a girl. I couldn't see their faces but in the dream I knew who they were. Then all of a sudden, the walked out of the circle we had created with our bodies, leaving gaps and joined the things that surrounded us. The shadows that seemed to haze over everything shielded their faces from view. The pain of betrayal stung my heart strongly. They said they were friends, I trusted them but I understood. This was their plan all along. To gain our trust, the had done that. To decive us. They did that flawlessly.

The things that surrounded us growled and hissed. I still had no clue what they even were, but whatever it was wasn't human. Something flashed forward and gripped Olivia around the neck and pulled her into the shadows. I knew that she would never be the same.

I shook myself. I didn't want to think about that. There was no point. It was just a dream after all. I looked down at my suitcase. Yes I only needed one. It's not like i needed anything fancy. It was an amusement park for crying out loud.

A honk took me out of my thoughts. Damon. I could see his face through the truck window. He was smiling. We were all excited to be getting out of here! Damon got out of the truck and walked over to where I was now standing. He picked up my suitcase and flashed me a grin.

"Ladies first."

"Ha ha." I walked down the sidewalk and opened the door of his car. I hopped in and started playing with the stereo. Of course, there was nothing good on. I looked around me. Aha! I found Damon's CD's. I knew my Framing Hanley CD was in here somewhere.

I rummaged through some more CD's before I finally found it. I popped it into the CD player and turned up the volume. I loved Framing Hanley. Damon got back into the truck and we were off. Well almost. We still had to pick up Olivia and Harley, but I was off. Two weeks of freedom.

We pulled up in front of Harley's house. He ran out. threw his suitase in the back, and got into the bakseat of the truck.

"Are you ready for the two weeks of our lives?" Harley asked excitedly

"Well I plan on having more exciting adventures than this later on in life, but other than that, yeah I'm ready." I turned and smiled at him.

"Smart ass."

"You know it"

We drove to Olivia's house, all the while rocking to Framing Hanley.

Olivia was already waiting at the end of her driveway. She was sitting on the ground, Indian style, listening to her i-pod. When she saw us coming she jumped up and started waving her hands back and forth as if she didn't want us to leave her behind.

Damon stopped in the middle of the road. There was no one behind us and Olvia was quick just like Harley was. She got in and sat beside him.

"Hey Chicka." I turned to her and gave er a high-five.

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