Nightmares- Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven †


 I was still laying on my bed when I heard the door open to my left. I glanced over and saw that Olivia had come in and was in the process of changing. Turning, I went back to staring at the ceiling, lost in thought. I turned over onto my stomach and buried my head in a pillow.

I felt the bed dent as Olivia sat next to me. She tossed the pillow aside and crossed her arms.

"He was just worried you know."

I sighed. Yes, I knew. But just because he was worried didn't mean that he didn't have to talk to me. Damon had never really ever been angry at me before. When we did fight, it mostly involved yelling, then we would look at each other and burst out laughing. Damon not talking at all, was a whole lot worse. When he stared at you with those gray eyes, it made you feel a hell of a lot guiltier than you actually were.

"He'll get over it."

I groaned. I knew this already. "We are leaving for Lakeside in an hour and it's going to suck if he's mad at me Liv!"

"I know." She patted my head and rolled off the bed, leaving me to wallow alone.

I ran a hand through my ratty hair. I felt disgusting. I rolled to the edge of the bed and allowed myself to fall onto the floor in a heap. I sprang up and made my way to the bathroom. Turning on the water, I quickly stripped and got under the warm spray of the water.

I shampooed and conditioned my hair as fast as I could and wrapped myself in one of the big, plush towels hanging from the rack. Skipping back into the room, I scanned all the clothes in my single suitcase. What to wear, what to wear...aha! I grabbed my black and white shirt that had all sorts of random things on it and a pair of black jeans. I pulled them both on and went to start to dry and straighten my hair.

After completing that miracle, I slipped on my black and white converse and searched the room until I found the key card. I found it under the bed and I deposited it in my pocket. I walked out into the hall and began making my way down to the elevator. I may hate the music, but there was no way I was taking the stairs. They were dark, creaky, and all together spooky. Whoa, Adam's Family moment.

I looked down at my cell phone to see that I had missed two calls from mom, ten texts from other friends, and one voicemail, also from my mother. Oops. I pocketed my phone and rammed into a really tall person.

Flustered, I started muttering bad words as my phone, money, and key card somehow managed to fall out of my pocket. I bent and retrieved my items and stuffed them all back into my pocket. Realizing I was being rude, I looked up to say sorry.

There in the bright lighting of the hall, stood one of the hottest guys I had ever seen. His messy blonde hair fell into his cobalt blue eyes. He looked to by about my age if not a little older and stood at about 6'2. He was wearing a gray shirt with three gothic crosses on the front and a pair of jeans.

"S-sorry!" I managed to stutter out. "I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going and I didn't see you." Which I really don't see how I could've not noticed this guy. He was unbearably handsome and not to mention huge.

He flashed me a dashing smile, showing all his perfect white teeth. "It's fine. I didn't see you either."

Yeah you probably didn't see me because you're so damn tall. I thought to myself.

I smiled back at him timidly. He extended his hand towards mine and I took it firmly. His large hand swallowed my smaller one and shook it once.

"Jake Stone." He said, flashing me another award winning smile.

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