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Mina exhaled, a squeal of euphoria escaping her throat when the door to Ahn's office opened and she was just a few seconds away from finding what she came for, the folder that suddenly popped up in her memory the moment she walked into that room just a few days ago.

The brunette looked around, she was spot on. The man was in the middle of his monthly cleaing up session. The room was a mess, boxes and papers laying around as he had emptied all the shelves to clean thoroughly. Mina thought his mania of filling everything would be the death of him as he would probably drown in all the books and papers he kept locked inside this very room.

"Bingo!" she exclaimed, spotting the big box of things on top of the man's desk.

Mina figured in there were the most precious of his things because it was the only box in good condition and carefully placed on top of the desk while the rest were just on the floor, laying around. There were a bunch of things Mina had to go through; family pictures of them on their trips to Japan, his parents' wedding album, a cross Mina used to wear when she was a todler, a journal, and finally the big, gray folder.

It was exactly how she remembered it, though the letters she remembered to be HRAI were barely visible. It felt heavy and old and Mina wanted so badly to look through it, yet she had to force herself to put everything in order and run out of the house before her father came back and caught her red handed.

"I called you here so we can go through it again, together," Mina spoke "Especially those letters."

Momo hesitated at first, but later let herself lean forward and take a piece of paper in her hands. It was her birth certificate. The time, date, and place of birth her birth were on it, along with her name and two signatures. One was her mother's—she could clearly tell—and the other Ahn's. That she could also tell as she had seen his signature on her reports plently of times.

The girl didn't know how to feel. She had grown up hating the man that left her mother to take care of her all alone in a country she had immigrated in because her family was forced out of Japan due to her grandfather 'bentraying the trust of the emperor'. Although, she never told Mina about it. Momo was well aware it wasn't her fault and the struggles her family went through weren't caused by Mina, but the people she had so much wanted to distance herself from.

It felt strange, like she was stuck in a loop she could never get away from. Techically the only grandchild of the Hirai's was in the emperor's family, the family that destroyed the Hirais. Everything had a connection, a deeper meaning Momo had never looked into because her mother would rarely talk about their persecution from Japan. She was suddenly facing the past in the future, first with Dahyun and now with Mina. Momo's head was about to explode, her heart shrinking inside her chest even though she knew her mother had kept the truth from her for her own good.

"Momo?" Mina called out.

"Sorry, it's just feels fake. All of this." the girl snapped out of her thoughts, gaze traveling to the picture of her as a baby in professor Ahn's arms. Looking at the picture, Momo figured the brunette sitting across of her looked exactly like the man whereas she looked more like her mother. The only thing they had in common being a birth mark on their palm that looked like a mole and would frequently joke about when they were together.

It was too hot to be holding hands, yet Momo and Mina walked side by side with fingers intetwined. None of them wanted to let go, they both felt comfortable not matter the rate in which Momo's hands was sweating, making her wipe her palms on her jeans every once in a while.

They were on the way to get ice cream, both already loving summer break and talking about how fun it would've been if they had vocation together some time.

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