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Mina sighed, sipping for her Americano as she watched Momo walk to her table slowly. The woman had a silly smile on her face, the hood of her oversized jacket hiding her sparkling eyes and it's long sleeves hanging from her arms.

"You took a while," the brunette teased, pointing over at the coffee she had bought for Momo "I didn't know what you wanted. It's an Americano."

The younger was seated in a cafe about thirty minutes by bus from campus. It was busy, a lot of students and families had occupied tables to have lunch. However, Mina felt eating wasn't appropriate for the reason of their meeting, settling with ordering coffee.

"That'll do, thanks," Momo sat down, taking off her jacket and a sip from the drink "So, what is this about? I thought we were going to take tests."

Mina nodded, retrieving something from her bag that she had let resting on the floor.  It took a while for her to find what she needed, but soon, a big and gray folder was placed on the surface of the table.

"We actually don't need to." she spoke, dragging her nsils over the material.

"I don't follow." the older tilted her head to the side, gaze moving between the folder and Mina's eyes.

"We both say Ahn did a poor job on being a father," Mina started "And I recently found evidence to support our statements."

The girl raised a brow, fingers pushing the folder from in front of her to the middle of the table. In exchange, Momo gave her a questioning look and a shrug, not moving to take the folder in her hands and just looking at it.

"What's in there?" Momo questioned.

"The evidence," Mina responded "As expected from a man like Ahn, he files everything. Every document, hand written letter, court order.

The older blinked her eyes rapidly, brows furrowed as she raised a hand to stop Mina from talking "Court order?!" her voice sounded loud "I don't understand."

Mina breathed in, straw between her lips as she drank almost the whole content of her cup. Running a hand through her hair, she reached to open the folder.

"In here, there are documents that prove Ahn is your father as well as his presence in the waiting room of the hospital you were born," she explained "It also contains pictures, letters he wrote for you and your mother, some legal documents I didn't go through and a court order."

"And how did you find this?" the question left Momo's lips effortlessly, elbows propping on the surface of the table and jaw resting on her hands as she listened the brunette talk.

"Some days ago, I visited home to confront him about taking DNA tests. He obviously freaked out and kicked me out," Mina started "But I got a chance to get into his office and that's all I really needed."

"Why his office?" nothing made sense to Momo, who chewed on her straw while she tried to follow Mina's story.

"My father's office is his treasure, he protects it no matter what and will never grant access to anyone because there, he keeps the most important things of his," the brunette said "I have only been there twice, some days ago and the day he revealed to me he is your father."

Anh was so protective of that office because of it's contents, the secrets he kept well hidden from the rest of his family and anyone really.

"The first time I got in it was after we had fought really bad, with me not believing what he said was true and with him trying to shut me up so my mom won't listen," she continued "He locked me there for hours doing nothing other than rummaging through some files until he pulled out that exact gray folder. It even had the HRAI written on it."

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