Chapter 4

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    Years ago, I had an older sister named Cassia. But you already knew that. But the thing that you probably didn't know (or maybe you did, I don't know) was that Cassia had a history with Cameron Storm before she died. A history  with one of the most famous celebrities in our generation. It's hard to believe, that's why I don't tell anyone, because they would think I'm just making that up for attention. I also don't tell them because of personal reasons. I mean, not everyone needs to know my personal biz. Anyway, Cameron also had something to do with her death. And before your mind goes wandering to some crazy theories, Cameron didn't kill her. He's a nice guy...deep, deep down. It's just, he saw my sister get killed. He was there to hear her last words and I wasn't. He didn't know who I was or that I even existed. All he knew was Cassia. I guess Cassia was too wrapped up in her 'fairy tale love story' to mention that she had a sister. But now, Cameron knew, and it was like opening up an old would...

               Two and a half years ago.....

     "Cassia? Where are you going?" I whisper, trying not to wake our parents. I woke up in the middle of the night, from a loud bang noise. Fortunately, my parents are deep sleepers and don't wake up to anything. Cassia, who was dressed in a really short black crop top and dark army green cargo pants, had half of her body out of her bedroom window and a large suitcase was laying below her on the grass outside.

       Cassia's eyes snap to me in alarm and she opened her mouth to talk but then hesitated and closed it. Cassia wasn't a bad girl. She always followed the rules and was the last person to sneak out. Unlike me who snuck out almost every night to...have fun with my bad boy boyfriends. Cassia pulled herself back into her room and slowly shut her window. I watch in confusion as she twists her hands together and bit her lip.

     "Carmen..." she started cautiously, "You can't tell mom and dad about this." She wouldn't even meet my eye. I would never in my life snitch to mom and dad about anything Cassia does. Cassia and I tell each other everything. I knew she had a secret long distance relationship with the famous singer, Cameron Storm. He lived all the way in California and we lived in Florida. I don't know how they're still keeping this thing up but no one else knew but me. But Cassia sneaking out of the house, that's something I'd never thought I'd see.

      "I won't, now tell me why you're sneaking out of the house with a suitcase?" I acclaim, throwing my hands up. Cassia puts a finger to her lips to silence me. I clamp my mouth shut and allow Cassia to take my hands in hers and set me down on the edge of her bed. She sat across from me, grasping onto my hands. Suddenly she was excited. A smile formed across her face.

     "Cameron gave me a call. He wants me to come to California. He says he's got a surprise for me. He sounded so nervous on the phone, you should've heard him!" she sighed dreamily. I smiled and again, I wanted to know more about Cameron.

    "Tell me again about him," I urged as Cassia's smile widened more. She was just an innocent girl who was love-sick for a charming pop star. I hope for that one day. To be as in love with someone like Cassia is.

    "Oh where do I start? He's so handsome it hurts to look at him. He could make you laugh until you throw up, he brings a smile to your face even if someone you loved died that day and you were sad before. Just being in his presence makes every bad thing, go away as if it were never there in the first place," she stares out the window, a small smile on her face. When she talked about Cameron, her whole demeter changes. She's usually not a very happy girl.

      "So....your leaving for California?" I ask, restating what she already told me. Cassia blinks and looks away from the window as she hops up off the bed.

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