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                     Taylor Moore

It was now Sunday but like 5pm so me kay and Kevin was sitting in my room smoking the weed Myah gave us

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It was now Sunday but like 5pm so me kay and Kevin was sitting in my room smoking the weed Myah gave us

We made up with Kevin but we still wasn't cool. He told us he would roll the blunts so we let him in.

"Here" Kevin said I took it then passed it to kay


I'm on my way

Just a head up I'm high ass shit

Ok who you with

Kevin and kay

Kevin gotta go ong

Shawn we is just friends

Ty when I get there he need to be gone

Damn when you start acting like this. This new

I said what I said
Read 5:27

"Ok guys my nigga bout to be here kay you can stay but Kevin you gotta go" I pointed to the door.

"Why I gotta go I just got here" this nigga.

Kay yawned "Imma go in the guest room down stairs just Incase I get hungry" her fat ass got up and left

"Imma take a nap" kevin ass was still here laying in my bed

"Nope I'm not bout to get my ass beat by Shawn for you nigga get out" at this point the little high I did have was blown

The door opened and in walks Shawn
"Get out" He said mugging Kevin

"I'm good nigga" this nigga don't know that Shawn can kick his ass

"Nigga get the fuck out my room"

"Ok imma go but I'll see you at school"  Kevin said leaving

Out of know where I felt a hand wrap around my neck. I was faced with Shawn

This shit had turned me on. A bitch is wet wet

"I told you he need to be gone when I got here" I've never seen this side of Shawn

"I I I tried bu-

"No buts I don't want you around him unless I'm with you." He said letting go of me and sitting on my bed.

"You good cause ong you never acted like this" I said looking at him

"I act like this cause if I don't you dumb ass gonna be doing shit you shouldn't. You broke me out that shell I was in so now you finna see and hear thing your never seen before." He said looking me in my eyes then turning back to the tv "if I find out you was with that nigga again imma beat your ass"

I'm grown I'll do wtf I wanna do tf he think he is

"Your ass isn't grown so get that through that thick skull of yours" Shawn said

"I wasn't even thinking that"

His ass grabbed me by my neck again
"Lie again ty I'm not playing"

Now I'm wet wet

"You making me mad ty and I don't like that" he look at me and smirked
"I bet your nasty ass is wet"

He stuck his hand in my pants. Then took it out an licked his finger.

"Take them off" he said

Just know I got some bomb ass head

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