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Me myah kay and Ryan was at Myahs house in here room on live once again

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Me myah kay and Ryan was at Myahs house in here room on live once again. There was about 10,000 people on there with us

Killa- Get off this shit and come meet us at the old hood

"Bet we on our way" Kay grabbed the phone and ended the live.

We listen to hella music and went there

They boys was playing basketball and we say the girl jazz sitting there.

"Hey jazz" we said sitting around her

Her and Matthews was Low key dating now

"Wassup y'all" she said looking at us "Myah can you get ur weird ass brother. That nigga always asking me bout ty and it's making me hella mad"

"I'll see what I can do"

"Who place we going to after this" Marco said as all the boys walked over

They tried to hug us we stopped them

"We can go to mine but don't be touching us we clean" i said to them

They all looked at each other then picked us up. I looked at Marco who was sitting down and I bust out laughing

he mumbled something before walking to his car

"Move Shawn" he placed me down before looking at me

He walked away getting into Marcos car

"Well meet at your house" they left me meaning I had to ride with Marco and Shawn

I got in the car in the back with Shawn

"Y'all know I got a girl I just don't bring her around" Marco said pulling off

"Let's go get her then nigga" I was happy for the nigga and I really just wanted to meet her

"Sure but you and Shawn can't say shit or imma leave y'all on the side of the road" he said and I laughed

He turned the music up and I pulled Shawn's hair

All he did was look at me.

"You acting weird man. Why you not talking nigga" I said pulling it again

"No reason" he said the pulled my hair "and don't pull my hair damn."

I pulled his again "don't be mad cause you need a haircut"

He pulled my hair again and now we was in the back seat of Marcos car holding on to each other's hair

He had the advantage cause my hair longer and his hair real short

"If y'all childish ass don't stop so I can call her out" Marco said

"If he let go I will" I said

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