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I woke up this morning feel a little better about myself

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I woke up this morning feel a little better about myself.

Different thoughts were going on in my head. Should I text Taylor good morning? I mean are we friends yet.

I pushed the thought away and went into the bathroom and started getting dressed.

I pushed the thought away and went into the bathroom and started getting dressed

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^ my outfit

Marco was already down stairs along with Aaron.

"Mom just left she said have a good day. Let's head out" Marco said walking to his car

"Wasssup with you D." Aaron said looking at me from the passenger sit


Good morning Shawn when u get to school find me I got u food😁😁

Good morning and thank you

"Taylor bought me food so you don't have to stop." I told Marco

"Text her back and asked if she got me some too" Aaron said

Aaron said did you get him some too

Tell his fat ass Myah got him some

I show him the phone and then sat there.

When I got to school me and Aaron walked up to Taylor and her friends

"SHAWN" she yelled jumping into me

I hugged her back and she said "this is Myah, Kevin and Kayla."

"Hi" I said shyly

"Here's your food." She handed me a McDonald's bag with a water

" She handed me a McDonald's bag with a water

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^ her outfit

She looks good

"Thanks Shawn" she said as her friend look at me

"I see you D" Aaron said laughing at me

"I didn't mean to say that out loud" I said putting my head down.

"It's ok Shawn you look good today too." She told me touching the side of my face

When I look up Kevin was mugging me. Did I do something to him?

As the bell ranged we all got up and went to our class. Before I could walk into my class Kevin pulled me aside

"Just to give you a heads up. Taylor is mine. As in my girl so stop flirting with her. You got that." He said and I just stared at him

I just walked away and went into the classroom

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