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It was now ten at night and we was heading to a club that Ty's dad owned

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It was now ten at night and we was heading to a club that Ty's dad owned

We went in and sat in the vip section

They brought us out shots and everyone but ty took one

Also Kennedy was here so Marco wasn't lonely

"Imma go get something to drank" ty said bout to get up when I pulled her back down

"Here" I handed her a glass of water I asked the bartender for when we got in here

We was having fun and taking shots

After bout 6 shots ty made me stop "You honestly don't need to be drinking anymore"


Shawn continued to drank after I told his ass to stop

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Shawn continued to drank after I told his ass to stop

Me Chris Ryan Myah and Kennedy was the only ones the wasn't drunk

After getting everyone in the car we was back at the house and I took Shawn to our room

"Babbbbbbbyyyyyyy" he said falling off the bed

I tried to get him back on the bed but he was too damn heavy

"Shawn you gotta get in the bed" I said

Damn he didn't take his meds

"Nooooo" he said rolling on the floor

"Babbbbbyyy. I I I love youuuu so muchhhh" he said getting up and laying on the bed

"I wannna fuck the shit out of you but you caring my baby and I don't wanna hurt him or her" he said

"Immmma sorrrrryyyyy forrr everything I've done bad I fucking love youuuuu" he said staring at me

I took my clothes off then put on some of his briefs and a t shirt with no bra

"Imma help you take you clothes off ok" I said

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