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When we got there it was cool. It didn't smell like fish which I was happy bout.

Then they started playing the type of songs we could twerk too so our ass got up and started it
First song:

We was fucking it up no damn lie

Then I felt someone behind me I was gonna push him off but then I remembered I'm on a break and it hot girl summer

When the song stopped another one played and the same nigga was behind me but I ain't care. I saw my girls fucking it up ass well

Next song

We was getting it in until i felt someone grab me and it was Shawn. I looked over and say the guys grabbing the girls as Matthews and Marco was sipping their imagineer tea.

Then I saw that I was dancing on Kevin which was bout to get me fucked up

"Didn't I tell you to leave her alone" Shawn told Kevin with a voice that was scaring me a little

"Nigga pls if she wanted you like that why she ain't make me get off her" Kevin said getting in Shawn's face

Shawn laughed "for the last damn time leave her the fuck alone or I will beat you ass and that's on god"

"Man fuck you imma do what the fuck I want" Kevin said getting closer to Shawn

Shawn and Kevin was bout the same height

Shawn laughed again before punching Kevin making him fall to the ground. He kept punching until I pulled him off

"Shawn calm down"

"Calm down" he laughed

This nigga crazy

"Taylor Imma really fuck you up. But before imma get you dad to beat you ass" he laughed "Calm down" he laughed again

He crazy crazy and now imma have to run away again

We was all out side my house scared to walk in

Karin came out "what y'all done did now cause them boys look like they about to throw punches and shit. And Matthews and Marco high asses laughing"

"We went to James's party" Kay said

"We drank a little" myah said

"Twerked a little" I said

"If one of y'all asses don't tell me" she looked at Ryan "speak"

"Mmtch we was twerking on other dudes but ty dumb ass was twerking on Kevin and Shawn beat Kevin ass" Ryan said

"That nigga crazy he was laughing and shit. Like I'm scared for my damn life" I told Karin and looked at her "Can I stay at your house"

"No cause y'all made that decision. If y'all was gonna go to a party and act up why go to the one the boys would go to like y'all really slow" she laughed "now take y'all ass in there and my dad not in there so y'all gonna be fine"

We got out the car and walked slowly in to the house

Ken looked at us and shook his head "Y'all got us fucked up" him and the others started stand while Matthews and Marco started laughing

"Y'all finna get y'all asses beat" Matthews said in a high voice

Shawn looked at me shook his head then told me "go to your room"

I just did as told

He followed behind me

"Taylor I'm not fucking playing with you" he said when I tried to close my door before he entered

He started laughing before Marco knocked on the door

"You gotta take them Shawn" he handed Shawn 2 pills and a water bottles

Shawn took them and drunk the water

"Don't do anything yet it should start working soon" Marco told me closing the door

"Shawn I'm sorry" I said not looking at him

He laughed before grabbing me by my neck. It wasn't too hard. Like I could still breath.

He looked at me and sighed hard before letting go

He walked into the bathroom and locked the door

I heard him sigh before walking back in. "I think we need more than a break" he told me

All hell was about to break lose

Now I was laughing "man you funny fr"

"Taylor I'm dead serious" he held a straight face

He got me all the way fucked up

"We not doing this shit Shawn. I don't give a flying fuck. Ok I was wrong but to be far I didn't know that was Kevin"

"So your telling me that you would let a random do the same thing Kevin was doing. Your ass sound dumb ass hell" he looked at me hard

If looks could kill I would be 6 ft mfn under

"Ok Shawn why can't you be like everyone else. You don't wanna do fun shit like go to parties and just go out but you could sit here and be with my brother"

"Taylor I'm telling you this. Strike one was when you was sitting in Kevin's face and went to the movies with him strike two was when you almost kissed him at prom and this shit is strike 3. And that means your out." He was laughing

"Nothing is tf funny"

"Taylor what's the fucking common denominator of this. KEVIN IS TY KEVIN." He was now yelling

"Don't yell at me"

"Ty your out. We're done this shit isn't gonna work cause you always letting Kevin get in the way"


"It's not up to you anymore" he said before getting his things and leaving out

I cried the rest of the night

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