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Saturday the day of the movies

"Imma hand you an outfit Ron gonna hand you on and killa gonna hand you one

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"Imma hand you an outfit Ron gonna hand you on and killa gonna hand you one. You pick the one you like ok" Marco said as I nodded

I was a little nervous. I've only ever been out with my mom and brother

 I've only ever been out with my mom and brother

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^ killa pick

^ Marcos pick

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^ Marcos pick

^ Marcos pick

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^ Ron's pick

"The one Matthews has" I said low while grabbing it to put it on

"Man it's killa not Matthews D but I win pay up bitches" he said

Ron and Marco both handed him 20 bucks

"Take your card I put money on it. Since you going with ty you pay for everything ok. But if she try to pay take to money out her hand. Also here" Marco said handing me a condom.

"Why do I need this" I asked him

"just in case" he said

"Come on nigga it time to go" Ron said patting my back

"Tell Chris to met us at the trap Ron" he nodded and pulled off

"Tell Chris to met us at the trap Ron" he nodded and pulled off

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^ Ron's fit

                    Taylor Moore

"Where the hell is this nigga" Myah said for the fifth time

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"Where the hell is this nigga" Myah said for the fifth time

Kayla told us her and David was gonna met us there.

Kayla told us her and David was gonna met us there

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^ my fit

^ myahs fit

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^ myahs fit

"Oop He outside come on bitch" she yelled walking out the door.

I got in the back sit and saw Shawn

Damn he is fine

"You look pretty" Shawn said and I blushed with my light ass

"Thanks Shawn. You look good yourself" I said

Now on to the movies

Red or blue

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