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So come to find out I'm the only one of these mother fuckers that work unless you count Matthews Aaron and Marco sitting in the studio all day working 

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So come to find out I'm the only one of these mother fuckers that work unless you count Matthews Aaron and Marco sitting in the studio all day working 

Yea Matthews started making music and he actually doesn't sound that bad he gonna drop his song soon but he wouldn't let us hear it yet only a clip of it

But I'm at work and ty was blowing up my phone but I didn't answer

Answer the phone

Bae it important

I'm bored Bae

I want some dick and you haven't gave me any seen Fourth of July

That was bout 2 weeks ago

You got me pregnant now I can't be on my hot girl shit

Bae I can't eat anything it keeps coming up

Fuck you then nigga imma ask Keith to take me to get some food and then get Kevin to hang out with me
Read 3:58

Keith this nigga she met at the nail salon. He also gay and was like the girls new gay best friend (he gonna be important in book 2)

But I was at foot locker with king and micheal

"We closing early since nobody wanna be here" king said

"Ok mike you need a ride"

"Yea" he followed me as king locked up

I dropped mike home then I went to my house

I came in and kay and Myah was sitting in the couch

"She put all your stuff in the hall way up stairs and locked the door" Myah said

"What you do to her" Kay said

"I just didn't answer her calls or text I mean I was at work" I said

"What if it was important" they said

"It wasn't cause she said she was bored that's all" I said going on to the elevator and they followed me

"Why y'all coming up here" I asked

"I wanna see what's gonna happen" they said together

We got off on my floor and saw all my things in the hall and Myah and Kay started laughing

I tried to open the door

"We just told it was locked bing bong" Kay said hitting the back of my head

I took the key and opened it to see her laying in the bed pretending to be sleep

Myah and Kay sat down and watched

I pulled ty by her legs and she screamed

"Why all my shit in the hallway" I asked her

"Leave me alone bitch" she said

I grabbed her by her neck "who the hell are you talking to like that cause ik it ain't me"

"It is nigga"

I looked at kay and Myah and they smirked before getting up

"Rip my best bitch ty she finna get the life fucked out of her" Kay said Myah laughed as the locked the door then closed it

"Noooo I was playing I wanted to look like a bad bitch. Well I am a bad bitch but still" she said with fear in her eyes

"Calm down. I'm just gonna take a shower then lay down I'm tired" I said but I really wasn't tired from work cause all I did was sit around

"Wait can I get some before" I looked at her

"Nope" I said laugh

Then I heard teeth being smacked form outside the door I opened it and Myah jazz and Kay fell in

"Really" I asked them

They just got up and ran down stairs

Short chapter ik but my creativity isn't really there right now

I want somebody to cheat but book 2 gonna be a banger cause I got hella ideas in the next book imma make Andre a little older like 14 or 16 but everyone else won't age that much

^ this video old but it's still funny to me

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