Sleepy (4)

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It was Friday, Kirishima asked me to hang out earlier. I still kind of felt bad about Katsuki. 

We went and got food and then I asked, "Do you wanna come over?" he nodded as he took a sip from his drink. Then he smiled brightly, and those dumb sharp teeth, his bright red hair, and the way he talked, it didn't seem to bother me at all. I thought his hair was dumb before, I thought his teeth were weird, but now I kind of like it. Actually, everything else doesn't seem as bad as it was before. 

I wonder why. 


It was already sunset, "You wanna go somewhere?" "Like where?" I replied as we exited the restaurant. "Well, where do you often go?" "I dunno.." I usually only ever followed Katsuki around, I never had time for myself. "I guess I'll have to find out," he swung his legs forward with the steps he took, I copied him and he looked back at me with an awkward smile. He slowed down, taking a long step, I tried to as well, even if I'm much shorter than him. 

He took a bigger step, and I stumbled when I tried to copy him, pulling at his sleeve, he laughed at me and I punched his arm lightly. The street lights turned on, and the sky was turning dark blue. There were still cars out but not many people walking. 

He smiled, "So where do you live?" "U-Uh, just a few blocks away. We didn't really go far from the school," I said, looking down at my feet. 

"Well, alright then lead me home." He smiled again and I nodded nervously. We started walking faster, and I looked up at the sky. 

I guess he saw me, because he asked, "Do you like the night or day?" 

-Kirishima POV-

He stopped and thought for a second after I asked, "I don't know, nighttime?" "Why so?" "Because that's when the city's empty, it's like I'm the only person here." "Do you.. want to be?" he stretched his arms out, swinging his legs, I watched in confusion. "I like being alone, but at the same time, I don't want to be." "Ah, that makes sense?" I tried to understand what he meant as he smiled back at me. 

"What about you?" He broke the silence, "It doesn't matter to me, as long as I get to do what I like." I said proudly, "Oh?" he raised an eyebrow, "Then what do you like?" "Doing what I wanna." I laughed as I walked ahead, "T-That's not even an answer..!" I slowed down when I noticed he had to run to catch up to me. "Whatever I find fun in the moment, I'll do. It's simple," I said with an embarrassed blush on my face. 

"W-Whatever, do you have any hobbies?" "I-I, I like to write, sometimes draw. But.. that's really all. I barely even know myself." he laughed, I tilted my head. "What do yo--" "Well, we're here." he cut me off as he reached into his pockets for his keys. He unlocked the door to a stairwell, he lived in an apartment complex. So we had to run up a bunch of stairs. 


I was out of breath as we stumbled into his apartment, he said hello to his mom and introduced us. Holding back laughs we went back to his room. He sat down at his desk and I flopped down on his bed, laying back. 

"What?" He said as I sighed, "Why'd you make me run up all those stairs?" I leaned on my palm with a laugh, "You're basically an athlete and you can't even do that?" He laughed at me, "Nope, my legs are giving up on me." "Stop being overdramatic," he leaned forward, I groaned, "I've never been more tired." I laughed, he told me to shut up as he pulled out his notebook from his bag, taking off his coat. 

"How do you spell your first name, Eiji?" my heart skipped a beat, I thought those nicknames were just a joke earlier. I spelled it out for him, then I asked "Why do you need to know?" "Biography?" "What? Let me see?" I sat up and leaned forward, he turned his head to look at me then backed up slightly. I looked at the paper, then held back a grin, I read the compliments he had given me. "Y-You really think that about me?" He grabbed his notebook and held it to cover his face. "Y-Yeah..! You weren't supposed to see my notebook..!" 

"Why not? You hiding something?" I said teasingly, "N-No!" "Then why can't I see?" I pulled the notebook from his blushing face. "Because.. you c-can't.." "Hmm, alright, but one day you're gonna have to tell me your secrets." "One day?" "Mhm, one day." "I-I'm not just gonna t-tell you..!" "So you admit you have secrets." I leaned back on the bed, and he looked so confused, he fell straight into the trap. 

"W-Who doesn't? Like you..! I'm sure your hair isn't spiky or that red?!" He stood up, placing his hands on my head. "W-What're you doing?" he tried to push my hair back down, and it worked after a couple of tries. "Ugh, now I'm gonna have to re-do it!" I held back a laugh as I tried to put it back up. "Why do you do that?" he sat back down beside me, tilting his head like a puppy. "I dunno.. it looks cool. And.." "And?" "Forget it, you'll laugh." I looked away embarrassed, he put his hand on mine and shook his head. 

"I-It's.. inspired by my favorite hero crimson riot..!" I said fast, covering my face, I then looked up to see his expression. It was excited rather than weirded out. "I really like him too! I mean not as much as All Might, but I probably have a few pages on him somewhere..!" he stood up and walked towards his desk, rummaging through some drawers. 

"I-It's really old.. but yeah I took some notes on him." He pulled out what seemed to be a really burned notebook, like it caught on fire at one point. Why did he ever keep it? 
"What's with the damage?" "U-Uh, a friend.. a classmate accidentally set fire to it with their quirk. Middle school.." "Oh.." he changed the subject and flipped through the notebook, then with an excited exclamation he showed me the page. 


Hours passed as we both sat on his bed talking, a superhero movie playing in the background. I could barely keep my eyes opened but everything that came from his mouth just opened new possibilities for new subjects. I couldn't stop, there was too much to talk about but it felt like we hadn't talked enough. 

I leaned back, almost shutting my eyes. He got quiet, then I opened my eyes again. "Are you alright?" he said, with a worried glow in his. "Fine, just tired." I snuggled into my sweater, he stood up carefully, then exited the room. I heard his mom talking to him softly then a door shutting. 

He came back with a glass of water. I was half asleep, but I asked, "Where'd she go?" "S-She works at night sometimes.." he said calmly. I started to enjoy his voice more and more with every word he said, even if they didn't seem to matter. 

I tiredly moved, sitting up, "I should probably go.." "I think you should stay." "W-What?" "You're too tired," he closed his eyes with a smile. "You can sleep on my bed, I'll sleep somewhere else.." "Y-You don't have to." he seemed tired too. I grabbed the covers and pulled them over me, moving to the side, I patted the spot next to me. 

"It's fine, you're too tired." "A-Are you sure?" "Yeah, it's alright." he sat down next to me, and I layed down, he looked back at me and layed down too. He turned to the side and leaned his face on his hands. Looking back at my tired face. "What?" I said with a smile. "Nothing.." he closed his eyes. 

Before I knew it I was asleep, but oddly, it felt a lot more comfortable. 

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