Confusion (6)

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-Izuku POV-

2 weeks passed, we've been spending hours with each other. Time passed so quickly but yet every day was so much fun. I think it is, it gives me something to look forward to.
I'm so glad he came up with this idea. 

On weekends I waited for the days to pass so I had an excuse to do something fun, maybe I was being too clingy? But it really is fun to have a best friend. 

We finished our project, and he was smiling wider than ever when we presented it. He was glad I liked his favorite hero too. I kinda like to see him happy like that, it's really satisfying. 


Lunch came by again, Katsuki asked me about something but I don't exactly know what. He grabbed my hand and we left again. To go do something dumb. 

We raced each other towards my house, my mom was gone so I had the idea to try and cook something. It was my day anyways. I don't exactly know what the prizes are, we often forget that there was supposed to even be one by the weekend. 

We ran up the stairs, and I unlocked the door. We stumbled inside with a laugh and took off our shoes. We sat down on the couch for a second, I looked up at him and hesitated. 

I leaned my head on his shoulder, kind of blushing. I didn't know what I was doing, I'd usually do this to my friends when I was being nice, so I didn't think much of it. He stopped breathing heavily, and I looked back up at him. His face was red, I didn't know if it was from the running or.. what I was doing. 

We stayed like that for a moment, then I stood up, fast and said, "Okay! So..! Uhh.. do you have any experience cooking?" he shook his head with a soft smile, "Kat- Bakugou would often cook for me.. So I don't know much about it.." I said quietly, "What?" he stood up next. "Me and him used to be friends." "Used to be..?" "That's a secret you haven't earned yet." "What? You can't not tell me now." I walked towards the kitchen, not really knowing what I was doing. 
"Just, help me out here." I smiled, and he looked confused but walked towards me. 


We were both tired after making horrible french toast, it was a complete fail and I don't even know how we failed at that, but I had fun. I walked towards my room and laid down on my bed, my face in the pillow. He followed me and sat down on the side, with a soft laugh he looked down at me with his tired eyes. 

"Do you wanna skip?" I sat up, "W-Won't we get in trouble?" "It's only a few classes, and we're already at your house." I sighed, thinking for a second. "We can nap~?" "Well that's convincing, fine." I laughed and layed back down, he laid down beside me. I slowly reached out, and I think he did too. Our hands touched and just by that my heart was beating out of my chest, we awkwardly tried to hold hands, but at the same time it was peaceful. 

Right there we fell asleep. 
For a few hours, actually. 


I woke up first, and we had barely moved, his hand was still in mine. My heart started beating again, I knew why it does that, obviously, but I didn't know why it was doing it now. With him? He's my friend though.. 

I grabbed my phone and it was already 4:30pm, and I had a bunch of texts. From, Katsuki? But he hasn't texted me in forever. 

"Can I come over?"
My heart was beating with nervousness this time, I felt sick. 
"Why?" I replied, and almost right aways he texted back. 
"I think we should hang out again." 
There was a painful feeling in my chest when he said that. 
"I dunno.." 
"I'll come over at 5."
He didn't reply after that, and I didn't know what to do. I wanted to tell him not to come and I also wanted to get ready for him coming over. 

Kirishima sat up, and looked at my stressed expression. "What's up?" "N-Nothing.." "It's clearly something.." he leaned forwards, then pushed my hair out of my face. I looked up at him, and without a second thought. "Bakugou said he's coming over." "Huh? Why?" I knew he didn't like him all that much, with all the looks they gave each other, they despised each other. 

"He says we should hang out again, and he's probably gonna wanna talk to me.." "About what?" he pushed his hair back, I grabbed a pillow and hugged it tight, tightly shutting my eyes I forced myself to say. 
"We used to date and I think he likes me again..!" I didn't want to hear what he thought about it, but I opened my eyes to see his confused expression. 

"W-Well there's a secret of mine.. Your ideas were better this weekend.." he put his hand in mine again, "It's totally fine. And since you told me one of yours.. I guess I'll have to tell you one of mine.." 

I looked at him, intrigued, the worry seemed to go away for a while. "My hair isn't actually this colour." I snorted and covered my mouth, "What??" "Well, obviously!" I laughed, he had an embarrassed look on his face then he smiled. "What colour was it originally?" "B-Black.." "Why'd you dye it?" "That's another secret." "What? That's not fair we got so far..!" "Guess you'll have to impress me this week." he laughed and was starting to stand up, when the doorbell rang. I flinched and got nervous again. 

"It's okay, let's go." I grabbed onto his hand tighter, but let go as we came close to the door. We opened it, and Katsuki stood there obviously hiding nervousness. Then he looked surprised when he saw Kirishima, he looked back at me like he was gonna yell as soon as he left. 

"H-Hi.. Bakugou." "Hello, Deku." He snarled, using the nickname I've grown to hate. "You're Bakugou, right?" "Yeah, shittyhair it is, right? I'm not here for you." He passed and stood in front of me. "We should talk. I suggest your little friend leaves." I wanted to hold Kirishima's hand again. 

"H-He doesn't need to.." Kirishima touched my hand, which was comforting, but then he shook his head when I looked at him. "Fine, but I'm walking him to the door." He started to put on his shoes and he grabbed his bag. "Wait here." I glared at Katsuki, he rolled his eyes. 

I walked him downstairs, apologizing repeatedly. We got to the door, and I put my head down. "You'll be alright. If anything happens, call me." he leaned forward and pushed my hair behind my ear. My heart started racing again, thoughts rushed through my head to the point I couldn't even think them through.

I put my hands on his shoulders and stood on my toes. My eyes widened when he turned his head in surprise. I meant to kiss his cheek but his lips were touching mine. It wasn't a proper kiss but it happened. 

I pulled away, my face bright red. It was too early to even consider doing that, I was just trying to be friendly. 

I covered my mouth and his fingertips touched his lips. "I-I didn't..! I didn't mean to..!" "I-It's fine.." he said with a shocked look, "It was just a small mistake.." he laughed softly, then he patted my head. "I'll see you Monday then? It's my turn next." he smiled, I nodded, not making eye contact. 

As soon as he waved goodbye and turned around, the door shut and I started to walk up the stairs back to my apartment. I was smiling uncontrollably but still so fucking embarrassed, I have no idea what just happened.. it felt right but I never even considered doing that to Kirishima. 
Maybe I should.. 

Wait.. I probably can't.. What if Katsuki likes me and things go back to how they used to be? Or what if one of them hurts me. What if I hurt him?


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