Burn and Rebuild (7)

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I sat there, staring off my balcony with Katsuki right beside me. We hadn't even started the conversation yet, I didn't even know how to feel. About Kirishima, about him and about this summer. 

"Do you.. know why I left?" The bitter silence broke as he asked me a question I didn't want to answer. "Because, we weren't supposed to happen." I looked the other way. "Wasn't it just a middle school heartbreak that was supposed to teach me what not to do?" I said quietly. 

"We were too young." "What?" I turned to look at him. "Are you.. are you serious?" he stopped and looked me in the eye, looking guilty. "Mom thought I was too young when she found out." "What?? How'd she find out?" It was a shock, to think after all this grief it wasn't him that chose to break my heart. 

"She just.. did. She never told me how." He gripped tight on the railing, avoiding eye contact. All these dumb memories I tried to force myself to forget came back, like it was all supposed to mean something. It felt like he was still mine and everything I thought I abandoned was still waiting for me to pick it up again. But then I realized that, it's never going to happen again, and I should be over it. 

"I think we should try again."
I had no idea what I felt after he said that. Would things go back to how they were?
Do I want them to?
Without a second thought, I replied,
"Really? A-Alright..!"
maybe it might happen again, do I even have to continue trying to get over it?

I forgot how easy it is to fall back in love.
Or maybe I never fell out of it.


-Kirishima POV-

I sat at my desk thinking. It was almost lunch time, both Bakugou and Midoriya weren't at school. Which was weird, they're always here.

I was starting to think of what I would do for lunch, it was my turn to take him somewhere. Maybe he's scared, because of what happened the other day.

My heart started beating fast. I tapped my foot on the floor and felt my face, hoping I wasn't blushing.

I felt like something was changing, do I like it?

Maybe it's not so bad.
I smiled a bit. 
The kiss, even if it was an accident, it kinda felt right.
Maybe it was supposed to happen.


I guess I was going to eat lunch alone, I decided I'd go for a walk as I do that. 
Walking down the stairs, my mind was on something else. That kiss that wasn't supposed to happen, those lunch dates. Can I even consider them dates?

Bakugou bumped into me as I was walking out, he seemed calmer than usual.. but he didn't even apologize. I looked and Izuku was standing there, I didn't understand the look on his face. He looked nervous, but really happy?

"I-Izuku!" I called out, he jumped, "W-What's wrong?" I asked, with my head tilted. "Nothing..! H-Hi." I didn't think much of it. "I think it's my turn today," I laughed. "Oh," he smiled. I grabbed his hand and we started walking away from the school, I saw him glance back.

I kind of just wanted to hold his hand.
I decided not to pay attention to any old plans, I just wanted to spend time with him like we always do. So we just walked towards a restaurant he liked, it's weird that by now I know he likes it, and how much he does.

So we sat down and ordered, "S-So uh.. why were you late?" "I.. slept in.." he tapped his fingertips on the table in front of us, he wasn't making any eye contact with me when he said that.

I leaned forward, cupping his face in my hands so he'd look at me. He stayed silent for no more than a moment before giggling, I smiled brightly when he did. 

"So what'd you do this weekend? Y'know after we hung out." He thought about that kiss again after the waitress placed their food on the table.

"Uhh.. we talked and hung out a bunch." "So you two are hanging out again?" "Yep!" He smiled brightly, like usual. I really like his smile, I'm so used to seeing it already. But I can't seem to get enough of it. Dunno why.


After paying we walked out of the restaurant. I've been doing more chores for more allowance, I wanna be able to afford these things. 
But whatever it is that we do I just wanna be around him. 

"So about that goodbye.." "Oh! There's Kacchan!!" He waved with a bright smile, "K-Kacchan..?" I kind of cringed, only to look up and see the spiky haired blonde trying to hold back a smile. My friend Mina and Kaminari were with him. As they passed he patted Izuku on the head as my.. his friends teased him. He glared at me, I didn't care for that.. 

"Kacchan?" I smiled and bumped him on the shoulder. "U-Uh.. that's just a nickname from when we were kids. It's nothing." "Are you blushing?" I didn't like to think he was, but I hid that by looking at his freckled face teasingly. "N-No..!" He laughed and started walking faster. I picked up the pace as well. 

"It's.. getting colder?" "Yeah.. it is.." he held out his small pale hands to feel the air. I thought for a second. "Do you need a jacket?" "Huh?" I grabbed his hands, they were cold, and we turned around. Walking towards a store we've probably gone to before. "E-Ejirou we have to go back..!" I love it when he calls me that. "It's fine," I smiled. 


Laughing with him as we picked out jackets that looked terrible on us, it felt better than usual. Maybe it was obvious by now.

I mean I did some thinking this weekend.
All I can listen to anymore is shitty love songs I never even thought I'd like.

And as he put on a jacket that was way too big for him. His freckles lighting up his smile, his green eyes glowing and his fluffy hair, I realized something when my heart skipped a beat.

I have a crush on my best friend Izuku.

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