Ideas (5)

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-Izuku POV- 

Monday came by again, but this time it didn't seem as bad as the last. For once the weekend was enjoyable, instead of depressing. Maybe it really is time to grow up and forget about what happened this summer. 
Whatever I was doing it seemed to be working. 

I sat down at my desk, and Kirishima walked up to me. "Hey, Izuku, whatcha working on?" he sat down on Katsuki's chair and looked down at what I was doing. Of course I flipped the page when I saw him coming, for.. some reason.. 

"So you got any secrets for me today?" He smiled brightly, "You gotta earn them." I laughed nervously. "Okay, what do I have to do?" I thought for a second then leaned forward. "Buy me lunch for the week." "The week?? C'mon." "Nope, you gotta take me out..! I stopped and covered my mouth when I said that, I didn't mean for it to sound that way. He looked just as surprised as I was. "Alright, so you're my girlfriend for the week?" He laughed, "No..! I didn't..! I didn't mean to say that.." "Sure," he laughed louder. 

"Let's play a game." "W-What kind..?" I said, covering my blushing face. "We'll take each other out for lunch on different days, whoever comes up with the best one gets a prize on the weekend." "What's the prize?" "I get to know more about you." "Why do you wanna know about me..?" "Because you're my friend." "Oh.." I said, feeling my face hoping I'd stop blushing. 

"O-Okay.. but you know you gotta do school work too..!" "I can plan a better lunch and get better grades at the same time!" He said with a cocky grin, leaning his chin on his palm. "What makes you so sure you're gonna win?" I tilted my head. "I will," "We'll see..!" 

I flinched slightly as I looked up and Katsuki was standing right in front of us. "Get the fuck out of my chair." He said with an angry look, the same look he gives everyone.. everyone but me. Most of the time. "Jeez, alright." Kirishima stood up. 

"A simple excuse me could've worked too.." he said under his breath as Katsuki sat down, then he turned and gave him a horrible glare. I felt bad, but then Kirishima patted my head, and when I looked up at him, he flicked my nose lightly. "You better not forget, I'm gonna win!" he giggled as he walked off. I held my nose, and whispered, "Not.." 

I opened my eyes and Katsuki was staring right at me, he was sitting sideways as he stared. "So you finally found a friend?" He fidgeted with his pencil, was he pissed? Oh no.. 

"I hope you didn't forget we have a project to finish." He leaned on my desk, "I started drawing it this weekend, actually." I grabbed my bag, and pulled out a rough draft of the poster we were supposed to do. "What? That's not the hero we agreed on?" It was a sketch of crimson riot. I forgot I did this, I just, I kinda wanted my friend to be impressed when he saw us present it.. 

"Oh, uh..! Someone else.. chose ours.." "So? Ours would've been better! Change it back." "No, Bakugou, I already have notes on him. It's fine." I opened my eyes to see a shocked look on his face, he snapped out of it. "Fuck, fine.. but don't expect me to wanna help." he turned back around. 

I realized I called him by his last name. But.. that doesn't matter right? We're.. not friends.. 


-Kirishima POV- 

Lunch couldn't come any slower. Each second was agonizing as the last five minutes slowly passed. I waited for that bell to ring so I could hang out with him. I dunno why I was so excited. I think it's because I want to beat him.. I want him to be.. impressed by it. 
I held back a grin and covered my mouth. 

I flinched when the bell rang, half the class stood up and exited the room as fast as possible. I stood up, and walked slowly towards his desk at the front. That Bakugou guy was talking to him, he looked uncomfortable, something on his face said so. 

"Hey, let's get out of here." I stood in front of him with my hands in my pockets, I hoped the smile I couldn't get off my face seemed casual. 

I glanced at his.. friend? He looked pissed the moment I walked towards Izuku. Izuku cut off the conversation with his friend and stood up, he waved goodbye and his friend didn't even wave back. I grabbed Izuku's wrist excitedly as we left. "Slow down, I'm coming!" he laughed, "We only have over an hour, I need time!" I said as we exited the classroom and walked down the busy hallways. I didn't let go of his wrist.. 

We exited the school, and I let go of his wrist as soon as we started walking outside the fences. 

"Okay, today's my turn. It won't be what you expect." "W-What does that mean?" he smiled. 

"Alright so, first what do you wanna eat? We gotta do that first." "Well, obviously." he said with a snort, "Shhh..! I'm just being a good friend..!" "You choose.." "What? I'm supposed to be treating you?" he had a nervous smile on his face, "I don't have much money, so we'll get something simple. But still! I will win." I said, wondering if he even had a favorite food. He doesn't really like to talk about himself, I've noticed that. Maybe there's a reason. 


"Let's play truth or dare." I said as we were walking around, a lot of stores caught my eye. "Is this your idea for a fun lunch?" "Gimme a break, it's the first day!" I laughed, "Fine, dare." he said nervously, as I scanned the area he whispered, "I'm gonna regret this.." I grabbed his arm and led him into a clothing shop, "Okay, pick out the weirdest outfit you can find." "What? C'mon," "You chose dare. You can't back out." I said with a grin, he sighed. 


He walked out of the changing room, it was ridiculous, but it didn't actually look that bad. He looked disappointed and embarrassed as I smiled. He was wearing knee-high socks with a pattern, he didn't put on any shoes so it looked twice as dumb, he was wearing a bunch of fancy scarfs and a dumb hat, a normal shirt but it looked horrible with what other things he was wearing. I laughed at him for a good minute as he stood there in embarrassment, "I'm choosing your outfit for tomorrow. Prepare to suffer." he giggled slightly as he took off the hat, his fluffy hair basically spilled out which made it funnier. 

I checked the time, and we still had half an hour left. I thought of what we could do. 

We walked around for a few minutes, and even though we didn't do much at all, talking was just as much fun. 
Maybe I'll come up with something better yet.. 

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