Rock Bottom (15)

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Eijirou was gone for four days, and Izuku was as gloomy as ever. He thought about him every evening, and every break he had. He didn't text, and Izuku realized how many friend's he'd forgotten about for Eijirou. 
He sat quietly at his desk on his phone at lunch, and the sickening bright light in the classroom made him tired. 

He was going over their old texts, waiting for him to start typing. But not even a word for nearly a week, it forced him to think, and how he hated that. 
Izuku cringed at the embarrassing old texts, having to know that he was the cause of his pain. 

He poked his head up when he heard his name, his classmate's were talking in a group behind him, all of Eijirou's friends. Izuku frowned, heart starting to beat faster. He hesitated to stand up, slowly walking over with his hands moving to his pockets. 
Denki and Mina looked up at his awkward face, "H-Hey.. uh. Do you guys know where Eij- Kirishima is?"

They looked back at each other, "I don't know if I can tell you." Mina said silently, "He told us not to." Denki added, Mina punched his shoulder, "He also told us not to tell him that." she whispered, gritting her teeth. 
"I need to see him." Mina stood up, "He's leaving because of you." Izuku's eyes went wide, he put his head down. "Alright, sorry." He shoved his hands in his pockets, turning around to leave the room. 

Katsuki watched him from the back of the classroom, standing up when he heard a locker slam. 
Izuku was walking down the hallway, and he took his bag too, so Katsuki figured he wasn't coming back. 

He opened his locker to grab his jacket, running down the hallway afterwards. Running past lingering and confused students, he hoped he didn't lose him. 

But he was trudging so slowly in the snow, Katsuki felt bad for him. He held back a smile, he followed him away from the school and onto the sidewalk. 
He sat on a bench at a bus stop, Katsuki watched his sad face from a distance. 
He caught up to him, standing beside him, "What're you doing?" He whispered instead of yelling. 

Izuku looked up at him, his eyes scared. He didn't think they were going to talk, he thought that their relationship was over. 
Katsuki sat down beside him, shivering even with his jacket on. 
They sat in silence, both of them knew they had a lot to talk about, but they refused to even look at each other. 

"Crazy weather, huh?" Katsuki tapped his foot, Izuku snorted, covering his mouth. Katsuki smiled, leaning forwards to see his face. 

"W-Why'd you follow me?" 
Izuku stared forwards at the road in front of them, Katsuki leaned back. 
"I haven't talked to you in a bit." "We talked the other day." "I meant really talk, dumbass.." 
They went silent again, Izuku desperately tried to think of something to say. 

"I-I know that we're not like.." Katsuki's voice was breaking, and he was going silent, "How we used to be?" Izuku finished. "Yeah." Izuku knew he wasn't amazing with expression, "But you know that I'm not gonna leave you again." Izuku's stomach did a flip. They didn't talk about it, they almost never have. 

"It was kind of stupid." Izuku tapped his fingers on his knee, his heart beating fast and his face going red. "Like relationships work when you're just kids, right?" Izuku glanced back, making eye contact with him. "What?" He looked shocked, his shoulders tense. 

Izuku didn't know what he did, "I mean, it was bound to happen? It still is, right?" Katsuki didn't respond. 

"What're you saying?" Katsuki sounded emotional, scared, even. 
Izuku felt embarrassed, wondering where he was going with this. 

"I-I don't know, we're like.. really young. And.." Katsuki saw it coming, but he was still wide eyed, and he still felt sick. As ready as he thought he was, he could never really be. 

"Why did we even get back together?" Katsuki quoted, his voice tremulous. 
Izuku's throat was dry, he watched Katsuki stand up, his hands as stiff as his legs. Izuku stood up too. 

"I think I'm in love with somebody." 
And from there, it was real. Because he finally said it and it wasn't to himself, it wasn't in a letter he'd never send, it wasn't in a dream or a text. 
Katsuki covered his mouth, wanting to throw up. He whipped his head around, he thought that there was just nothing left, but it wasn't that at all. 

"What?" Katsuki's hands started to shake, he tried to keep himself calm. Walking towards him, Izuku took a few steps back. "I-I'm.. I'm.." "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.." Katsuki pulled his hair, "I-It's not because of you..!" "I don't care!!" he screeched. He didn't mean to get so angry, but he felt betrayed. 

"I can't believe you..! You're just.." Katsuki groaned, curling his fingers into a fist. He nearly made his palms bleed with his fingernails trying to keep his anger in. 
They went silent, Katsuki hyperventilating and staring at their shoes. 

"I hate you." "I don't mean to-" "Shut up. Shut the hell up." Katsuki looked up at him, Izuku felt so guilty. 
"You may never come to me for anything, you don't speak to my friends, you don't even look at me. Don't even think about it!" His eyes started to sting, his face heating up, "Don't even act like you ever knew me." his voice was thick with emotion, trying to keep everything in. 
Izuku put his head down, he expected the worst, but it still hurt to hear it. 

"I may have done some stupid things, and I may have hurt you." Izuku blinked back tears, covering his eyes with his hand. "But I never betrayed you like this. God, you're so fucking-!!" Izuku held back a sob, "You don't even consider other people, I should've known.." Katsuki started to cry, wiping a tear off his cheek with his sleeve. 

"Fuck you." Izuku sobbed into his hand, "I hope it never works out between you two." he kicked the snow onto his shoes before stomping away. Izuku tried to stop crying, but he couldn't calm down. He wanted to call Eijirou, he wanted somebody to comfort him, but he thought about how selfish it was to even ask. 

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