Skipkick is the newest memeber of the Bee team. She loves it there, her best friend is Sideswipe, she gets to take down cons, and build her own inventions out the materials in scrapyard. But there's a catch to all of her happiness...Skipkick has no...
I sat on the billboard, not believing what I had just thought. "Fracture really was right!" I yelled in my head. "I will be a con!" I felt horrible. I thought about my destiny. "I guess I will be bad..." I whispered to myself. At that exact moment, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I whipped my head back at the bot who was comforting me. It was Sideswipe. "What's wrong?" he asked gently. "Nothing." I quickly responded. "You sure?" he persisted. I knew he knew I was lying. "It's just, I still don't know what side I'm gonna be on." I explained. "I'll have to choose eventually." Sideswipe gave me a playful nudge. "Even if you do pick the bad guys," he began. "I'll still be your best friend." He grinned at me. I smirked shyly back at him. "Thanks, Slick." I said. "Please," he replied. "It's just Sideswipe." I smiled at him. My best friend was finally coming back to me! We stared out across the scrapyard together. "I just have one question," I piped up, breaking the silence. "What?" Sideswipe asked. "Do you like Windblade? Like, are you in love with her?" Sideswipe answered, no hesitation, "No way!" I surprised, and suspicious of his answer. "Well she definitely likes you, that's for sure!" I teased. He smirked and rolled his optics. "Ya think I couldn't tell?" he teased back. I smiled at him again then looked back over the scrapyard. "D-do you wanna train with me?" he questioned nervously. "Would I?!" I agreed so happily I sounded like I would explode. We climbed down the pole of the billboard. We walked to the wall of cars. Then we sparred (a training mechanism). Memories came flooding back to me as we punched, kicked and dodged each other. I felt a tad bit of my confidence come back to me. We had just finished our final round, with Sideswipe as winner, when Windblade came up to us. "Hey Slick." she greeted. Sideswipe hesitated. "...Hi..." he greeted quietly. "Whatcha doin'?" she asked cooly. "...Sparring..." He looked at me then back at Windblade. "With...Skipkick." I stared at my feet, ashamed of existence once again. "You two can hang out." I stated. "I'm gonna go help Fix It with the defense mechanisms." I transformed and drove off before Slick or Sassy Jet could say anything. I went up to Fix It after I was back in bot mode. "Could I help you with def-" "Of course!" Fix It cried happily before I could finish. I helped the minicon set up some security weapons then upgraded some tracking systems. Sideswipe smirked at me and waved. I waved back at him. Windblade went up to him and smiled her perfect little smile, making him pay attention to her instead. I scowled. "I hate you..." I thought. I face palmed. I was thinking like a con again!
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(Above is what Windblade looked like before she got upgraded.
Eyeless:*looks at pic above* WUT IS LIFE??!?!?!!?!?
FNAF Springtrap: You okay?
Eyeless: yah I'm fine...heh heh...)
The next day, we had another mission. One of Chop Shop's arms/spider minicons had freed him last night. I tracked him down to an airport like last time. Only Bee, Sideswipe, Windblade and I went. Ever since the lock out, Bee wanted a few bots to stay at HQ just in case. Sideswipe and I went on the left side of the building, while Bee and Windblade were on the right. We waited, ready to ambush our target. Chop Shop had barely stepped out of the storage building when all 4 of us pounced on him. Chop Shop quickly split into his 5 spiders. Bee, handling 2, while the rest of us fighting 1 each. In about 5 minutes, Bee was out. The 2 other spiders crawled over to Sideswipe. "Oh no, you don't!" I thought as I raced over to him. We were back to back, fighting 2 spiders each. One of them shoved me, making me fall on my face. I leaped up and saw Chop Shop transform back into his full bot mode. He was huge compared to me, Sideswipe, and everyone else on the team. Well, maybe not Grimlock. Chop Shop punched Sideswipe in the face, making him smash into a wall of another building. "Sideswipe!" Windblade and I cried. "You deal with the con, I'll help him." Windblade ordered. "You can't tell me what to do!" I protested. "I'm his best friend, I should help him." Chop Shop just watched us as we fought. I think part of him wanted to slip away, but the other wanted to see how this ended. "Are not!" Windblade screeched. "Am too!" I shouted. We did that for a little while. Then Windblade went up in my face and calmly threatened, "You know Sideswipe would choose me over you any day." I went blank. I wanted to say something, but do you say to something like that? "You'd better learn to accept it, or else." Not 5 seconds went by before a large, black hand flew past my head and into Windblade's face. She flew back and crashed through the building. I looked back at who had just stood up for me. It was Chop Shop! He glanced at where my logo should be, determining whether he should try to kill me or not. I stared into his 4 pale yellow optics. "What?" he snapped in his thick Australian accent. "Fellow con needs help, I help. Sometimes." I blinked at him, stunned that someone stood up for me at all. And it was a con! Of all the people! "Are you on her team?" he asked, pointing to Windblade. "There's no harm in answering his question." I thought. "I'm not so sure." I answered, feeling no sorrow for Windblade whatsoever. Chop Shop was silent for a minute. "What's your name, mate?" he asked. I shrugged. "I'm Skipkick." "Could you let me go, mate?" Chop Shop pleaded. "I won't mess with you again. Promise." I looked at a beat up Sideswipe and an unconscious Bee. What would they want me to do? "Probably arrest this guy." I thought. "But he just stood up for me!" Bee's words echoed in my mind, "Never trust a con." I ignored them. Besides, how would he know? "Alright fine." I finally agreed. "But a promise is a promise." "Yes!" Chop Shop pumped his fist in the air. "Thanks, mate! Won't bother you again!" he exclaimed joyfully. "Good." I said, glad that I made someone happy. Chop Shop skipped away, whistling a cheerful tune. I smirked. "Well, at least he's nicer than Windblade." I thought. Then I remembered that my teammates were probably still asleep. I woke everyone up, even Windblade, who had a black eye. When we all got back to base, Sideswipe was chatting away with Windblade. He looked over at me and gave me a harsh glare. At that moment, my spark went out. My best friend hated me for an unknown reason. I wanted to climb on top of the billboard and junp off. Bee waved a hand in front of my face. "You okay?" he asked as if nothing was wrong or suspicious. "Oh yeah, I'm fine." I replied casually. "Think I'll just go for a walk in the woods." Bee shrugged. "Okay, just be back before sunset." I nodded. I transformed into my blue and white lambo and drove off. I changed back into bot mode and strolled through the woods. I listened to the birds' sweet songs of happiness and joy I no longer had. The tall, leafy trees shaded me from the sunlight that once drenched me in warmth. I stared at the ground. The bright green grass cushioned my metal feet. I wondered about Chop Shop and what he might be doing right now. "He's not what I expected, that's for sure." I thought. I wondered about my destiny. Bot or con? Con or bot? My mind ping-ponged back and forth at what to choose as I gazed at the grass. Suddenly, I smacked into something. My first thought was, "Stupid tree." as I backed up to see the thing I bumped into. He was thin, slightly taller then Bee, and had 2 pale yellow optics. He also looked a lot like a wolf. "Greetings." he said calmly. His was gentle and soothing. "Who are you?" "I'm Skipkick." I stated quietly. The stranger looked at my blank logo area. He smirked and looked back into my optics. "Nice to meet you, Skipkick." he replied. "I'm Steeljaw."