A Better Friend

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"These Decepticons are a lot nicer than certain Autobots I know." I thought. Bee had warned me about Steeljaw. "If you bump into him, no matter what he says, com for backup immediately." Bee's warning repeated sternly. Sure, I literally bumped into him, but I still didn't have a com system set up. "So, Skipkick," Steeljaw began. "Tell me about yourself, if you don't mind me asking." I shrugged and nodded. He asked me a few casual questions. One about what I transformed into, another about what I did in my free time, you know, small talk. I was gonna say chill with Sideswipe, but that doesn't usually happen anymore. Instead, I answered, "I usually just go somewhere to think." Then Steeljaw asked The Question. "Which side are you on?" he asked politely. "The Autobots, for now, I guess." I replied, slightly irritated. "You...guess?" Steeljaw questioned. "Well, not all good guys are that good, if you know what I mean." I explained, trying to sound smart. Steeljaw walked alongside me as I started to stroll away. "You see, there's this one girl who hates me." I said. "What's her name?" Steeljaw asked. "Windblade." I replied, slightly cringing at her name. "She turned my best friend against me." Steeljaw stared at me blankly as we walked. "She's nice to everyone else but me." I explained further, sounding a bit pathetic. "What else has she done to you?" Steeljaw asked. I told him about the Chop Shop incident. Steeljaw looked surprised. "Well, from what I've learned," Steeljaw wisely began. "To deal with her, you have to annoy her first. And to annoy her, you have to be like her. Understand?" I hesitated, comprehending what Steeljaw just told me. I nodded. "I...have some business to attend to." Steeljaw claimed. "Okay, see you around then." I said. Steeljaw smirked slyly and ran off. I happily headed back to the scrapyard. "Alright, so Steeljaw said to just be mean to Jetgirl." I thought as I entered. I walked over to the command center, thinking of ways to insult Windblade. Sideswipe came up to me. "Hey Skip," he greeted. "Where've you been?" "Around." I replied, rather sharply. Sideswipe's optics widened. Then Windblade came up to me. "What do you want, Jetgirl?" I sneered. Windblade looked like she was about to pass out. I smirked menacingly. "It's working," I thought. "Steeljaw was right."

The day, we had a mission

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The day, we had a mission. An underwater one. Bee asked if I wanted to come or not, I shook my head. "What about you, Windblade?"  Windblade looked at me gave her the stink eye. "...Sure, I'll come." she answered. "Yeah, you better run." I thought. Before Bee left, he asked me, "Whatever happened to Chop Shop?" I had to think fast. "He...electrocuted me, and I was out. I was the first one to wake up, but he was gone." I lied calmly. Bee narrowed his optics at me suspiciously. "...Okay." He finally said. "C'mon guys, let's move out!" After Bee left, I told Fix It Iwas going on patrol. But first he made me promise to help him with the pods when I got back. I went to the woods to see if Steeljaw was there. He eventually came along and asked me to follow him to the same steel mill I was at the other day. Of course I didn't tell him I've already been there. "Um...how 'bout later?" I asked. He hesitated. "Alright." he said in his soothing voice, a tad annoyed. We talked for a little, about battle plans and training skills. Later, we bid farewell to each other, and went our separate ways. When I got back to the scrapyard, Bee was at the entrance with his arms crossed, looking at me sternly. "Scrap," I thought. "Guess I was out longer than I thought." "Mind telling us all where you've been this whole time?" Bee asked firmly. I froze. Bee'd kill me if he found out I was hanging out with Steeljaw. "I...did Sideswipe's patrol duties." Sideswipe looked at me, a shocked expression on his face. Then he looked down, like he was ashamed of himself. I felt a little sorry for him. Bee glared at me, his optics overflowing with suspicion. I knew I was gonna have it sooner or later. I needed to be more careful. Bee nodded and walked away. I felt my spark harden. My admiration and friendliness towards Autobots strted to slip away. Over the next few days, I noticed myself snapping at everyone, never going on missions, and just not being myself. I had to get out of here. But when? The cons I met so far seemed so much nicer than these bots. Except for Fracture of course. "He'll be on my side, eventually." I thought. "If I join the cons at all." I went to the woods to wait for Steeljaw. At last, he arrived. "Would you like to follow me to the mill now?" he asked. "Okay." I answered. "But I can't stay for long." Steeljaw nodded. He led me through some trees and to the mill. When we arrived., Steeljaw introduced me to everyone, even though I already knew them. He re-introduced me to Fracture. Turns out, he actually tolerated my existence. Probably because he was so busy hating Drift. I looked out one of the sky lights. High noon. I still had some time. Steeljaw pulled me aside and asked, "What do you think of your teammates?" I answered kinda like this:

Strongarm-bossy, annoying

Bee-doubtful, cautious

Windblade-sassy, rude

Drift-quiet, wise

The Minis-adorable, loyal

Fix It-nerdy, awkward

Grimlock-stupid, reckless

Sideswipe-fearless, hot-headed

I knew it wasn't exactly positive feedback, but I was pretty upset and couldn't help myself. Steeljaw looked up at the skylight after I finished my reciting my opinions on the team. "It's getting dark." he said. "You should get going." I nodded. I waved good-bye to everyone and stepped outside. Steeljaw caught me by the shoulder before I walked off. "Skipkick," he began. "Bring Windblade here at about noon tomorrow. We can have a little...chat with her." he offered slyly. I understood what he meant and nodded. When I got back to the scrapyard, I said hi to everyone but Windblade, then went on top of bill board. But instead of thinking about my destiny, I thought of a way to lure Windblade into Steeljaw's trap. I had just finished planning when Bee sat down next to me. "Hey." he greeted flatly. "Hi." I replied, snapping out my thoughts and turning my head to look at him. "You've been doing okay? I've been noticing a few...new behaviors lately."he stated. "Yeah, I've been fine." I answered. "Just a little stressed, that's all." Bee eyed me with suspicion. "Okay...then why are you so stressed?" he asked. "Good question," I thought. "Maybe if you knew what Jetgirl's been doing you'd understand." I looked into his optics. "Well, I still can't get over the fact that I might end up on the bad side. And I'm so jealous that you guys don't have to worry about that." I lied. "Alright. I understand." Bee sighed. "Do you wanna be alone for a while?" "Yes, please." I admitted. Bee got up and went down. The next day, I packed all my things while no one was looking then went up to Windblade. I asked, as sorrowfully as I could, "Windblade? Could I talk to you? Alone?" She shrugged. "M'kay." was all she said. I led her out into the woods. I made my enemy follow me to the steel mill. "I actually wanted to show you something." I lied as we walked towards the mill. "It's the thing I kept disappearing to." I pushed open the door and we walked inside. I slammed the door shut and locked it. She spun around and stared at me. I gave her an evil smile. "She doesn't have a com system either," I thought. "So she can't call for back up." Suddenly, 5 Decepticons leaped down and attacked her. They held her down while Steeljaw and I stood on opposite sides of Windblade. He nodded at me. I looked down at Windblade, her optics overflowing with fear. "Sorry," I taunted. "But I've been wanting to do this ever since I met you." I punched Jetgirl in the face so hard, she passed out. It felt so good to be free!

(Word Count-1416-Eyeless Out)

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