Skipkick is the newest memeber of the Bee team. She loves it there, her best friend is Sideswipe, she gets to take down cons, and build her own inventions out the materials in scrapyard. But there's a catch to all of her happiness...Skipkick has no...
(Comment if you can relate to pic above ;) Sry I'm running out options for TF RID pics )
"Sup?" greeted the tall, black jet con. "I'm Flareshock, but everyone just calls me Flare." he claimed as he smiled at me. We disabled our masks. "And I'm Jumpboost." said the minicon. His voice was a little squeaky and uneasy, like Fix It's. While Flare's was a lot like Sideswipe's, just deeper pitched. Steeljaw calmly introduced himself, then the others. Fracture didn't seem to like Flare, but was fine with Jumpboost. Thunderhoof was the exact opposite. Steeljaw liked both of them just fine. I liked Flare right off the bat, but I wasn't so sure about Jumpboost. "You guys lookin' for another base?" Flare asked intently. I nodded. "Then you've come to the right place." He stepped aside raised arm, pointing to the building. "Welcome," he announced. "To the factory." I didn't blame him for being so dramatic. The factory was huge! It looked like it had at least 4 floors! "It's...perfect" I said slowly, gazing at our new base in awe. "Glad ya like it." Flare replied, winking at me. My face felt a few degrees hotter. "Does this con like me?"I wondered. "We'll take it." Steeljaw smoothly agreed. "If it's alright with you two of course." "Nah, we don't mind." Flare claimed. "Me and BJ need some more company anyway." Jumpboost glared at him. "Stop calling me that!" he cried and looked at the ground, blushing slightly. Flare smirked. "Welp, c'mon, we'll show you guys around." he said, smiling. Flare walked beside me while Jumpboost was at the front, giving us a tour of the place. Flare whispered to me, "So how'd you get your con symbol?" I looked at him and said, "I punched my worst enemy. And betrayed my friends. For them." I pointed to the cons ahead us. Flare nodded. "What about you?" I asked. Flare looked at the ground in shame. "Uh...I'll tell you later." he answered quietly. "And that is the whole factory." Jumpboost finally concluded. I went straight to the lab. I admired all the tools and parts I could use. Fracture came in a little later, while I was wiring my new Scan Gun.
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He sat down across from me and worked on his new minidrone. A few hours later, Flare came in. "Steeljaw wants to talk to all of us about something." he informed casually. "M'kay" I replied. Flare walked off, and Fracture and I got up and followed. All 6 of us were gathered around. "A few days ago, I received a message." Steeljaw began. "From Megatronus himself." I gasped. Everyone's mouths were hanging open in shock. Megatronus was a fallen prime! The first Decepticon ever!
(REAL Transformers fans know this kinda stuff)
"What did he say?!" I asked eagerly. Steeljaw smirked at me. "He wants us to build a portal for him to come here." The room fell silent. Everyone's, including mine, mouths were now shut tight, our optics huge. "You mean like a space bridge?" Jumpboost piped up. "How in the name Primus are we supposed to get the materials for that?" "He has a point, boss." Thunderhoof snapped, doing air quotes on the word "boss". That made Steeljaw pretty mad, but surprisingly, he didn't attack my rude comrad. He scowled and death-glared Thunderhoof. "Do you have any ideas on where to get the items we need? Hm?" he taunted. "We do we need exactly?" I asked Jumpboost, trying to prevent a fight. "Good question, Skipkick." First we'll need..." Jumpboost began, then started reciting a long list of things. One of them being a large power source. "We can start our search tomorrow." Steeljaw said after Jumpboost finished. He walked off to the room he claimed was his. "I call the room right next to the lab!" I cried excitedly, and raced away. "And I've got dibs the one on the other side!" Fracture called as he ran after me.
The next day, Steeljaw divided us up like Bee did. I ended up with Flare. We had to get a few gears, wires, and microchips. I only knew one place that those, not mention everything else we need. I commed everyone to meet back at base as Flare and I walked back. "So," Flare said as we waited in the base for everyone else to arrive. "What are your hobbies?" I was slightly surprised at his question. "Um...well I guess I like sparring, watching TV, and beating the scrap out of Windblade, my archenemy." I replied. Flare froze, his red optics giant. "I-I'm sorry, but did you say...Windblade?" I hesitated. "Yeah," I answered. "Why?" "Because you just said she was your worst enemy..." Flare retorted cautiously. I was downright confused. I sighed. "What is she to you?" I demanded, frustrated at his lack of info. Flare was about to reply when Steeljaw and the others finally came. "What is it Skipkick?' Steeljaw asked panting. "I know exactly where to get this stuff." I said. "The Autobot base. It's literally a scrapyard." Flare stared at me like I just agreed to an execution for him. "Are you insane?!" he cried. "If we go within 10 feet of that prison, it's curtains for all of us!" "They can't see us if they can't detect us." Steeljaw claimed slyly, striding towards Flare slowly. Suddenly, Steeljaw pounced on Flare and slashed his con symbol. "Ow!" Flare exclaimed. "What was that for?!" "He destroyed the only way the Autobots could detect your life signal." I explained gently. Flare was still pretty ticked, but he just crossed his arms over his chest and death-glared Steeljaw. Steeljaw did the same to me and Fracture. He didn't have to do it to Thunderhoof. Steeljaw clawed him as soon as he saw him. Fracture didn't seem to mind the pain. I didn't either, it didn't even hurt much. "So how do we get in without being seen?' Flare asked me, who had now calmed down. "I'm...not so sure." I replied. "But it'll probably require some sort of distraction." I added. Everyone stared at Jumpboost, who didn't have his con symbol clawed yet. "Fiiine..." he groaned, rolling his yellow optics. We all arrived at the Autobots junkyard. Jumpboost stood outside of the main entrance, while the rest of us were hopping the fence in the back. "Okay, I'll go for the command center and distract any bots that're still there." Flare said bravely. Turns out, all the bots were actually on a mission. Except for Windblade. "Oh well of course she's on guard duty." I thought. Flare froze. "Y'know what, who about you go, Skip?" he said nervously, giving me a little push. "What is it with you and Windblade?!" I whispered-yelled angrily. "If she knows you, you should distract her!" Flare sighed in defeat. He went to the other side of the shelves we were hiding behind. "I'll go for the command center." I promised. Flare leaped out from the shelf and snuck up right behind Windblade. "BOO!!" he yelled right into her audio receptors. She jumped and spun around, Flare laughing at her fear. "Flare!" she screamed. "I've come to join your team." Flare lied calmly. He motioned for us to get to the command center. "I thought I should be on the same team as the rest of my family is on." I stared at Flare for second then crept over to the command center. I looked around for Fix It. He was no where to be seen. I shrugged and turned off all the com systems. I nodded to Fracture, who quietly dashed to the ground bridge. I decided to listen to Flare and Jetgirl's conversation while waiting. "C'mon, sis." Flare pleaded. "Trust your big bro." I was dumbfounded. "How did I not see this?!" I wondered. "They look just like each other!" Fare and Windblade weren't friends or more than that, they were twin siblings! Windblade pulled out her red dagger. "After what you did," she snapped. "I would never trust you. Even if my life depended on it." Then Windblade charged at her own twin brother, Flareshock.