❄ Chapter 8 ❄

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Ellie's POV

Snow pads lightly through the old gothic castle, his old residence and his old life, possibly centuries old now. He does know it well, but every step we take through the empty halls, Snow's breath gets quieter and his ears swivel, searching for any sound.

Each corridor is wide enough but the windows seem so far away. We had to get above ground first.

Snow heads for the staircase to the ground level, leading out of the dungeons below the black rocks.

I hold on tight as Snow lopes up the stairs and waits below the bottom step. 

He lifts his wet nose above one last lunge, his body hunkered to the ground. 

As he sniffs the air, I watch as a purple mist sweeps towards us. Snow cowers away, but the purple fog encroaches and we can do nothing to stop it making contact.

Whatever you do. Don't scream.

"What is that?" I whisper quietly.

Hold your breath as long as you can, Ellie! Snow yells it through my mind as he finally lunges forward - barely giving me a moment to consider doing such a thing.

I try not to breathe as Snow runs through the fog - but I can't stop myself.

I gasp in a breath, unprepared for the illusions.

The moment the sour magic is in my lungs, I see ravens all around me, cawing at me.

Kill him, Ellie.

I got the dagger in my hand.

Kill Snow, slit his throat while he isn't looking.

I close my eyes in a desperate attempt to escape the fake sounds and the fake visions -  however, I feel like I'm falling in dizzying waves, so I open them back up again - Snow's pack lies one by one - their fur getting ripped from their bodies as we pass one painting, where I imagine a different scenario.

I can't look at anything without seeing death, disease or plain murder.

The blood seeping from the walls. It's not real. 

Snow's wolf form covered in big fat fleas, ripping his skin open. It's not real.

Breathe through it now. Snow reassures me, totally calm. 

In a panicky move, I close my eyes again despite knowing the consequences as Snow is catching speed.

The dizzying effects are so strong I lose my grip and tumble away from his fur - which ended up feeling sticky like rotten flesh.

As I hit the cold stones, my side aches and I see five ravens swoop down from the shadows - they want my face!

"SNOW!" I scream as I throw punches at the air and slash through with the dagger in my palm, "SNOOOOOOW!"

Ellie! Snow snarls the warning.

I wasn't meant to scream - and I did!

I hear a woman chuckle from a raven's mouth. 

The Queen is about to glide around the corner and intercept us while I'm panicking.

"Where is my lovely new face?" the Queen chuckles, but before I can see her, Snow steps over me - his fur obscures my vision and he nuzzles me behind him.

First it's comforting, then he's nipping my side painfully, snarling so loud my body quakes, Run!  he commands me.

"You won't kill these little cute puppies, will you, Snow?" the Queen giggles and holds a bundle of fur balls, dropping them so they come pouncing up to Snow, tongues lolling, puppy eyes wide and begging.

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