❄ Chapter 17 ❄

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Snow kicks the door closed with the back of his boot and locks it, while I hold my hands in front of me and glance around his bedroom. It's quite luxurious. The bed is filled to the brim with pillows of all shapes, the fattest and frilliest at the headboard. While my guest room was green, his is royal violets, royal pinks and royal creams.

A stained mirror with some cracks from a violent fall, stretch along it's surface. The mirror itself fills the entire right wall of the room.

I walk to it, noting Snow places his prized candle by the bed, as he follows my wandering gait closely.

I find myself drawn to the violent crack in the mirror. Maybe it was just a good distraction. I kneel in front of it and touch the centre, "Someone fell right here. It must have been a bad fall."

"That was my doing, when I transitioned into my beast for the first time," Snow speaks calmly while squatting behind me and laying one hand on the nape of my neck, his fingers slowly curling into the thick fabric of my evening gown, "Always covering your skin around me, Ellie," Snow tries to keep in a chuckle, "I've seen you naked, why so anxious for propriety now?"

"...but... Snow... I don't understand why you would even want me..." I whisper at his reflection through the mirror, "...do you love me...?"

"I can't love anyone, you should know this," Snow's hand bunches my collar and he pulls it back, the skin on my neck tightens and I breathe a bit quicker, "See how easy you can get choked in this attire? The Queen would delight in torturing you for eternity if she had her way.... so naïve, Ellie... so innocent..."

"So, we're just going to murder the Queen, is that the answer to everything with you, Snow, violence and murder – I would conclude, that is why you lose everything," I jerk from his grip as I turn around to face him properly while on my knees "...why can't you love... is it a part of your curse... what do you feel for me now... if not love..." all are dangerous questions that I whisper at him in desperation.

Is this what Snow meant by begging?

"It is a part of my curse, but for me to feel love I need my curse... to be broken..." Snow almost halts on that word, "To break it – I'll need to break you first. That was the condition."

"Me?" my halt leaps to the back of my throat, "You're using me to break your curse –"

"I lust for you unlike anyone I've ever lusted for, Ellie, beneath it is love, but I cannot feel it until my curse is broken," Snow snatches up my hand, and slides his palm to my wrist, circling it like a vice. He holds my second wrist, then brings it to the first. He holds both my wrists in one strong, capable hand, and then he stands up and pulls me with him, "From this moment, Ellie..." Snows' eye rakes over me, "...you'll listen to me as I teach you about how a woman submits to a man..." Snow seems to want to explain himself without frightening me, but I can also see a rather frightening bulge at his pants. I know how long and hard that cock could grow.

Snow brings my hands down to his waist line. I resist for a moment but he tests me by holding me close, waiting for me to relax, then he releases both my wrists. My palms lie softly on the waist band, "Let's begin," he drawls softly from over my bowed head.

My hands curl in his leather pants and I see the bulge grow exponentially.

I – I don't know what to do.

I say nothing, but, Snow understands my hesitation.

His hands quickly regain both of mine, and he helps me pull the leather breeches down.

When they are edging towards his cock, I jerk back so hard I smack into the glass myself and I bruis my head. But I only wince from it and stare at Snow in horror.

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