❄ Chapter 12 ❄

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3 days later

In the morning, bruises still present, but swelling down, I tend to the garden out front.

Now that the sun is shining and the green is growing all around, I don't even need a fire. Although... one other reason I can't make a fire is the lack of logs for fuel.

My abusers made sure I was left with no firewood when they left for their vacation.

I am just glad I don't have to freeze through the cold nights or freak blizzards anymore.

Now, I sow the soil with fresh seeds, and water them from a bucket, gathering the water from the small well we have at the back of the property.

Even though I am concerned about Snow's prolonged absence, I am also relieved to know I have my freedom back. That gave me some form of security.

However, I am also aware the Queen may still be out for blood. I just hope she doesn't make my face a priority. Surely other matters in the Kingdom came first. And she didn't seem to leave her castle anyway.

She sent letters and ravens.

So, indeed, I feel at ease for now.

I stand from my garden work, to see a friendly neighbour stroll up the hill, with a basket of food.

"Oh, Barney! You didn't have to!" I hobble forward, now able to walk without a stick assisting me now.

"Blair wanted you to have some extra food – hoping for a weave of yours, or maybe even a tale," Barney winks and drops the basket at my feet, "My, my, girl, you've grown strong from your injuries so quick! Good on you!"

"It's just the overalls," I'm wearing a pair for a young boy, but they fit well enough, "I feel more confident in them. They make me look strong."

Barney smiles, hands in old patched pockets, slowly rising his brows.

"So, Ellie... you um... you really faced Snowred?" as Barney asks the question, a cloud passes over us in synch, foreboding something, or at least making me feel strange about the prying question.

We both glance up at the sky and I grin with my teeth gritted together, feeling a little awkward.

"...I don't want to talk about it... but... I might make your family some jam? I don't have any cotton balls to weave from... I think the house was raided when I was... gone..." I bite my lip.

The house had lost some valuable items. Not many, but enough to make me a little upset.

"No stress, Ellie, you rest and work and come over if you need anything," Barney nods. I smile and I hold out my arms, jumping forward to clasp him in a tight hug – well I try to – but before I can even grasp him, I hear a god awful slam from inside the house.


The back door? I think!

"You have someone helping around here?" Barney asks, a bit confused as I wince back after the noise interrupts me.

"Yes – um, yeah," I nod, "Thanks for the food."

"Be lookin' forward to that jam," Barney nods and walks backwards, smiling and turning.

He always was extra kind, and I wasn't altogether sure Blair ever approved. I had never seen her. But maybe she just liked staying indoors.

Oh, well, my mind was just getting away with me now...

I hold the basket to my chest as I hobble back to the log cabin, I gaze in through the side window and I see Snow rummaging through the kitchen, looking rather angry.

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