you can't see me blush

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talking without seeing each other
laughing without sound
talking without really speaking
people's voices drowned

by our constant talking and nonstop laugh
playing video games to bond
we're so far apart yet so very close
i can't wait for you to respond

whenever we're texting each other at
school or home, very eager
to talk to each other again; watch our
feelings grow even deeper

but i can't see you and you can't see me
it hurts to know your face
it hurts that i can't hug you or really
see you; it's like a chase

between cat and mouse, it's never ending
a funny start, sad end but
we continue to watch it grow more and
more; all i want is your touch

yet i'm too embarrassed for you to know
that though we're friends, you're my crush
good thing we can only talk through a screen
because you can't see me blush

- - -

hee hee, i didn't write a sad poem :)

hope you enjoyed reading this ^-^

ty for reading, ily fam <3

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