Chapter 24

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        My alarm went off at 8AM sharp the next morning, telling us that we needed to get up because our flight back to Chicago left in 3 hours. I, however, did not want to get up because the combination of the warm blankets and Pete's arms around me made my current situation pretty favorable.

        "C'mon Partycakes. We gotta get up," Pete told me, shaking my shoulders in a feeble attempt to wake me.

        "I'm up," I mumbled without bothering to open my eyes.

        "You're awake, but you're not up," he countered, continuing to shake my body.

        "So? Neither are you," I said, my tone intentionally a little whiny.

        "Because you're laying on my arm."

        "Mm, but it's so comfy."

        That earned a chuckle from Pete and I could tell he was shaking his head without even looking because I knew him way too well. "C'mon, we're supposed to leave here in an hour and we both need showers," he told me in an attempt to get me out of bed. Usually he was trying to get into bed.

        "Then let's just shower together and save time. That way we can sleep in a little more," I suggested without even opening my eyes.

        "You know, I like the way you think, but no. We'll end up taking longer with that one than we would with separate showers," he countered, the amused smile on his face audible.

        I groaned in displeasure before submitting to Pete and sitting up, the blankets falling off of our bodies and exposing us to the cold air as I did so. Immediately, I wanted to crawl back under the blankets and sleep a little longer. Pete sat up shortly after I had, crawling over and wrapping his arms around me from behind, burying his face in my neck.

        "I thought we had to get going for the day?" I asked him, wondering why he was suddenly the lazy one.

        "We do. I can't give my boyfriend a quick kiss first?" he asked rhetorically before leaning at an awkward angle and pressing his lips to mine in an even more awkward kiss, but it was a kiss from Pete so I guess I couldn't complain.

        I just laughed as he untangled his arms from around me and stood up, his boxers hanging crookedly on his hips and his hair even more insane than it had been last night, but that's what made him Pete, my Pete, that I wouldn't trade for the world.

        "If you want to take your shower first, I can make sure we've got everything together and ready to go," he offered, gesturing to the bathroom door.

        "Sounds good," I told him, nodding as I stood up and headed towards the bathroom for my shower.

        An hour or so later, we were in the elevator on our way down to the lobby, and by "or so" I definitely don't mean we were a little late because of me again. As we walked up, Joe simply rolled his eyes at us, shaking his head slightly. Andy was into something on his phone and hadn't even noticed much of anything was going on.

        "You guys ready?" Joe asked us, pulling on Andy's sleeve as if to literally pull him out of the small device. It worked because he immediately looked up, nodded, and put his phone in his pocket.

        "I think so," Pete told him and I nodded, subconsciously emphasizing what he'd said.

        "You guys had better be. It's already 7 minutes past when we were supposed to leave," Andy said, a mock stern look on his face as he glanced over at us, pretending to scold.

        "Oh, wait! I forgot something in the room," Pete told us, beginning to turn away but stopping, a smile curving his face before he'd even done a 180 to let us know he was joking.

        "You'd better not have," Joe jokingly threatened, pointing a finger and all.

        "I didn't, don't worry Dad," Pete teased him, rolling his eyes like the defiant teenager he still acted like on occasion.

        Joe just stuck his tongue out at the other man, playfully glaring. Andy and I just laughed, amused by their antics.

        "C'mon, we've got to get going," I told them, starting to walk towards the doors. They soon followed suit, walking in a line behind me as if I were mother duck and they my little ducklings.

        Joe hailed a taxi, the four of us piling in, and told the driver where we were headed. Pete, Andy, and I were more than cozy in the back seat and Joe noticed, shooting us a smug look from the front seat. Pete imitated Joe's earlier action, sticking his tongue out at the slightly more fortunate man.

        "You're just jealous," Joe said, narrowing his eyes at my boyfriend.

        "No, not at all. This gives me an excuse to cuddle up next to Patrick," Pete told him, trying not to laugh as he snuggled up next to me, wrapping his arms around me and resting his head on my shoulder.

        "Oh, c'mon. Keep it in your pants. I'm stuck back here with you two too," Andy mock complained, leaning away from us.

        That's when Pete spoke up again, a mischievous smirk curving his lips that caused me to worry about what was soon to leave his mouth, pulling away from me slightly at the same time. "I don't know, Andy. A threesome might be fun," he said, obviously joking but trying to make it sound as if he weren't.

        I hit him lightly in the back of the head, saying, "Hey! You're only allowed to flirt with me." I did my best to look neglected and hurt by his sudden interest in Andy, sticking my bottom lip out and directing my gaze towards the floor in a pout.

        "Awww, poor lil Patrick," Pete exclaimed, immediately wrapping his arms around me again, snuggling back up to me even more so that he had been a few moments earlier.

        Joe and Andy both "aawww"ed like they thought we were the cutest thing.

A/N: So I'm pretty sure they both live in LA (right? Could be wrong there) but Chicago works better for this storyline so we're pretending they live in Chicago, ok? Ok.

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