is there life without love?

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Ryan's POV

Brendon. That's all that needs to be said. He makes my heart throb, knees weak, eyes gasum, (yes eyegasums are things, you get one when you are turned on by the look of someone such as Brendon Urie and/or Ryan Ross.) and is the pain in my soul. Okay stop dreaming we've gotta go to practice. I rolled out of bed, in my boxers still I slipped on black skinny Jeans that were sprawled across the floor along with a plum v-neck. I ran to the living room and grab my brown moccasins, and keys to my pitiful car. I slammed the door shut, not on purpose but it probably woke up hobo, unlocked my car got in and started it up. Practice is at Brendon's house this week, it's not that far so I got there shortly.
Brendon's POV

Ry pulled up in his crappy car and walked right in without knocking, it made me feel better that he could do that with me. Jon wasn't gonna come to practice because he's "sick", even though he is probably with some whore whose name ends with y. Jon can do better, he really can. So today Ry, Spence, and I are the only ones here. Fuck it I just don't want to today. I walked back into the living room where the guys were.

"Well Jon won't be here, and I don't wanna practice so, hows about we go to the bar?" I said looking at the two, Ryan looks like hell it's kinda funny, and Spencer beard cut, hair combed, and well clean.

"Yeah, I'm doing nothing anyway." Ry smiled.

"I wish I could but I have to do a few things." Spencer said.

"Okay Spence, we are gonna hang out soon though." I said and he walked to the door.

"Okay sure thing, by Ryan, by Bren."

He then opened and left.

"So where is Sarah?" Ry asked.

"Oh she went to hang out with some friends." I said.

"Cool, so how are you two doing?"

"We are great, I told her I loved her." Just the thought of Sarah made me smile she's so beautiful and kind.

"That's awesome." He smiled.

"Well how are you and Kate?" I raised my brow. Oh how I hated that filthy whore, she got on my nerves the first day I met her.
~flash back~
we were at our favorite bar, we went to with the band all the time, and this girl comes up over to Ryan and I, Spencer and Jon long gone. We were both drunk. She tapped me on my shoulder I turned around.
"Hey there," she winked at me, "Do you wanna dance?" She laughed. She had brown hair, hazel eyes, and looked like a whore. I didn't like that girls who dressed that way, I found it gross actually.
"No thanks." I said and turned my bar stool around to the counter and finished my beer, when Ryan  pretty much drunk off his ass, spun around before she walked off and said
"Hey you," he pointed and she stopped, his speech slurred, "I'll dance with you, you're hot." He said with the drunk confidence working in his body.

"Maybe when your sober." She winked and giggled a stupid prep giggle.

"Fine," he quickly scribbled his number and name on the napkin. "Call me sometime." He winked.
"Will do," she looked at his name on the napkin, "Ryan." Then she stuck out her hand. "Kate, bye." He shook and they said there goodbyes.
~ end flashback ~

Filthy whore!

"We're good I guess, but I'm kinda not that into her anymore." He sighed then looked at me with his gorgeous eyes, "Let's get drunk!" He exclaimed, and smiled as I grabbed my keys and we walked out the door.

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