Joncer Gossip (part 7)

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Ryan's POV

Where am I? I woke up in an unfamiliar Bed. I really did drink to much, considering I'm drowning in my sweat. I am just glad its pitch black, or the light would murder my eyes. Oh yeah, I'm at Brendon's house so that means I'm in his bed. Its very comfy, well besides my sweat. I sat up, causing my head to spin.

"Hey sunshine." A familiar voice said, Bren, it was Bren. He turned on his bed side lamp. I quickly pull the covers over me to shield my eyes.

"Sorry." Bren mutters.

"Its fine, and did you just lay beside me while I slept?" I shuttered, and dropped the moist covers to look at him.

"Well, I," He put his hand on the back of his head, "I was gonna make sure you were alright, and also I had to sleep somewhere." He smirked.

"What? How long have I slept for?" I asked.

"Well, like a whole day. You know you talk in your sleep." He giggled. "Its adorable." He laughed.

"Yeah, so a whole day." I laughed.

"Yeah, I bet you're hungry."

"Yeah I am."

"Okay, come on. I'll make us some food." He got up, he was still in his boxers, see-thru I might add. I red glow spreads across my cheeks.

"Oh sorry." And puts on some basketball shorts on the floor in a hurry.

"You act like I haven't seen you in your boxers before." I laughed.

"Whatever Ross, you know you want all this." He said hysterically, as he hand motioned to his whole body while saying it.

"You know it Urie." I winked, and we both busted out laughing. We left his room, and went to the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat." He questioned.

"Make me a sandwich women!" I demanded.

"I am not your women! But okay I'll make you a sandwich." He laughed.

"Where's Sarah?"

"Oh, well I told her you were staying over, so she went to one of her friends houses and stayed there." He explained while he made the sandwiches.

"Oh, sorry to be a bother."

"Ry, you're never a bother I promise." He smiled at me and handed me a PB&J. We sat in sweet silence as we ate.

"Soo, you'll never guess what I saw." He spazzed out almost flipped the tabled, it was hilarious especially with the look on his face.

"What, did you see a unicorn?" I laughed.

"No, even better!!! I saw Spencer kiss Jon!" He gossiped, I almost spat out my sandwich.

"No, your kidding! Jon is a whore chaser, and well Spencer, he's ya know not gay." I was shocked.

"Well apparently not."

"Why the fuck haven't they told us!"

"I don't know Ry, I dont know. It makes me mad, our own friends can't even tell us."

"I know right."

"Well if all fandoms are coming true then we're next Ry." We both laughed. I wish it wasn't a joke, I wanted Ryden to exist as much as those crazy fangirls, and not just fake on stage romance, that leaves the second we step off stage.

"We have to confront them." He said, then picked up his phone and called Spencer, then Jon. They would be here at five, three hours from now.
Spencer's POV

"Jon," I called for him to come here, and he came and sat in front of me at my table, "Who called?"

"It was Bren, he wanted me to come over at five." He said

"That's odd he called me too," I thought aloud, "Jon, what if they know we are together."

"And if they do, will it matter?" He raised his eyebrow.

"What if they won't accept it?" Everything ran through my mind of what bad could happen.

"Spency, stop over thinking this, their our friends, they won't mind one bit." He stood up and gave me a sweet kiss, which made all the bad thoughts vanish just because of him.

"Your right, Jon." I gave a small smile and kiss his cheek.

"Come on let's go take a shower, and clean up." He winked and have me a smirk.

"Okay." I hopped up from the chair and followed Jon to the bathroom.

~~~~~~~ three hours later ~~~~~~~~~
Brendon's POV

"Dude, they'll be here any minute, wake up!" I yelled at Ry who went to sleep in my bed again, so I ran and pounced on top of him while he was still laying there.

"What the Fuck Brendon." He said with sleep still in his voice.

"They'll be here any minute. Get up now." I say close to his face noses almost touching.

"I can't with you laying on me." I got off him then he got up too.

"You know you loved it." I said, then we both laughed.

"Whatever." Then we both left, and went to the living room.
Knock knock knock

I hoped up and went to the door, and opened it up and there they were. I let them in.

"So why are we here?" Spencer started.

"Well hello to you too." I said with sarcasm.

"Hi!" Jon spoke up and smiled.

"Well, we know about you two." Ryan got up from the couch and moved to the table along with the others.

"We need to tell them." Jon said to Spencer.

"Yeah, they need to know." Spencer took a deep breath, and Ryan and I leaned in waiting to hear the story.

"Well Jon and I have been dating for almost two months now. We really care about each other alot," Spence took Jon's hand in his and laid it on the table. "we didn't tell you because we didn't want you guys to freak out, or hate us. So we kept it to ourselves. Ever since I've been with Jon things got better for me." Spencer  then pecked Jon on the lips, causing Jon to turn pink.

"Well I'm happy for you, that's amazing!" Ryan spoke up.

"Its fantastic, I wish you told us about it earlier." I smiled.

"So how did you find out?" Jon asked.

"Well, I saw you and Spencer kissing in his car the yesterday day after practice." I said.

"Oh yeah, well at least we won't have to hide it from you two anymore." Jon said then kissed Spencer's cheek.

"Come on all you gay men let's play video games." I say as they all get up, but Ry hesitates.

"Hey!" He protests.

"Don't get your panties in a wad." I laugh, as we went  with the rest of the gang, and played my Xbox 360.

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