2) I was too young to know

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I think of you from time to time

More than I thought I would

You were just too kind

And I was too young to know

House of Memories - Panic! at the Disco

Welcome to Beacon Hills. Lucille glanced at it disinterestedly. She'd been walking and running for nearly a week, but she'd barely noticed. She'd been careful not to leave a trail of bodies, not that she really cared about them. She just didn't want Caroline to come after her.

She walked down the streets. It was dark, the asphalt under her only lit by the streetlights. She loved the rain. She always had. The light reflected off the raindrops. She didn't mind that her clothes clung tightly to her. She almost smiled, her eyes sparkling in the darkness.

She could almost physically feel the pull of this city begging her to stay. And since she didn't care, she didn't question it. She just found a bench in a park and fell asleep.

When she woke it was no longer raining, but still cloudy.

She got up and started walking into the town. She could just compel someone to let her live with them, but she decided she would rather live alone. It didn't take long to find an empty apartment that was for rent. She called the landlord, and when he showed up, she compelled him to let her live there for free.

The apartment was clean, but empty, except for an oven in the kitchen. She emptied her backpack on to the floor of one of the two bedrooms, and emptied one of the blood bags. She only had a few left and would need to get more soon. Or find a living one.

She twisted her daylight ring around her finger as she waited in line at the high school. She knew she should continue her education even if her emotions were off. It wasn't like she had hated school in Mystic Falls anyway.

"And you're all set. Here's your schedule. You'll start on Monday." The overly cheery lady behind the desk chirped. Lucy rolled her eyes and took the schedule. It was only one week into the second semester, thankfully, so she wouldn't be far behind.

Lucy sniffed the air, her nostrils flaring when she smelled another wolf and the thick smell of death. And she did what she had always done back in Mystic Falls; she followed it.

She didn't know what compelled her to follow the werewolf. Maybe she was lonely.

Either the wolf was lost, or he was with someone who didn't know what they were doing. She followed the scent for a while, only for it to make a u-turn and head in the opposite direction. She finally arrived at a vet. The lights were all off except one in the back. The back door was conveniently unlocked and she stepped into the building. She walked to room that had a light on, her boots silent on the concrete floor.

The two in the room didn't notice her, too busy arguing. It was a strange sight.

The dying werewolf stood on the far side of a metal surgical table, shirtless with a blue string tied on his upper left arm to cut off the blood flow. A bullet was lodged in the lower part of his arm, the wound red and a sickly shade of black. There were black veins trailing up his arm and Lucy nearly choked on the strong smell of wolfsbane. She mentally rolled her eyes. She was a werewolf too, now. Of course wolfsbane would bother her.

The other person in the room was definitely human. He wore a grey top with a beige jacket and jeans. His light brown hair was shaved to a buzz cut, and he seemed disgusted by the wound. He was holding a saw. Yes. A saw.

The wolf suddenly threw up a puddle of black blood on to the floor. Well, if that wasn't a clear sing of upcoming death, Lucy didn't know what was.

Don't Let Go - The Vampire Diaries/Teen Wolf Crossover - Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now