3) Why did you go

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Where are you now
Are you lost
Will I find you again
Are you alone
Are you afraid
Are you searching for me
Why did you go I had to stay
Now I'm reaching for you
Will you wait, will you wait
Will I see you again

Hymn for the Missing - Red

"Lucy, I'm home." Caroline called. "I'm really sorry about earlier I was really stressed. What did you want to tell me?" She frowned when she didn't hear a reply or even any moving in the house. She sped to her sister's room and froze.

At first glance it looked normal, but then Caroline realized the walls were bare. The nails had been ripped out of the wall and the paint around it had chipped off. The second thing she noticed was her sister's house keys on the desk. Lucy never left the house without her keys. Ever.

Caroline checked the trash can that was right inside the door and stopped. Tears sprung into her eyes at what she found. All the pictures that had been on the walls were in the trash, frames broken, glass cracked, photos torn and scratched.

She quickly pulled out her phone and dialed her sister's number, but Lucy didn't answer. She called a few more times but with no more luck. Then she called Elena.

"Have you seen Lucy?" She asked frantically. "I'm in her room, and all the pictures are destroyed and in the trash and her keys are on the desk."

"Sorry, Care. But I'll get the boys to help me look."

"Alright, thanks. I'll ask Bonnie." Ten minutes later, Caroline had called everyone in her contact list, even Katherine, but still no trace of her sister.

She quickly re-called a boy from school.

"Hey, Trevor. I need a favor. Can you track my sister's phone? She's missing."


Lucy sat in the back of her first class, Chemistry. The teacher honestly reminded her of Mr. Tanner. He was sarcastic, constantly glaring at certain students, and making fun of them, which was still funny. Especially since it was never directed at her.

Unlike most of the gang back in Mystic Falls, Lucy wasn't constantly ditching school, and she was getting really good grades.

"Can I ask you a question?" She discreetly turned to watch the human from the night at the Vet.

"No." The boy behind him answered.

"Well, I'm going to anyway. Did Lydia show up in your homeroom today?" Lucy smirked at the concern in his voice.


"Can I ask you another question?"

"Answer's still no." The boy sighed.

"Does anyone know what happened to her and Jackson last night?"

"He wouldn't tell me."

"But he's your best friend." He seemed confused, glancing between 'Jackson' and the boy. The other just shook his head, evidently uncomfortable. It was a touchy subject. Lucy mentally applauded the boy. "One more question."


"Do you find me attractive?" Now it was the other's turn to be confused.

The human with the buzz cut leaned closer, only to fall off his chair. Lucy cracked, bursting into laughter. Luckily, the teacher didn't like the boy, so Lucy didn't get in trouble.

Lucy breezed through her classes and soon was on her way home when she froze. She heard growling and quickly sped in the direction of the growling, moving too fast for any bystanders to notice.

Don't Let Go - The Vampire Diaries/Teen Wolf Crossover - Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now