With a Little Help From My Friends

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   "Would you like to ring the doorbell, Julian?" asked John.
   "Sure, Daddy," replied Julian.
   "Alright then, up you go, " John said as he lifted his almost 4 year old son up so he could reach the doorbell.
   John and Julian Lennon were out for the day having a bit of time to themselves. They had been out for ice cream, had gone to the park, and now, as Julian had decided, it was time to visit Uncle Paulie.
   "Coming!" Paul replied as he got up from his comfy spot on the couch. "Oh, hey John and Jules!" Paul exclaimed, as he opened the door, "What brings you two here?"
   "Oh, nothing really. Julian just wanted to pay you a visit." John said.
   "Alright, well, come in then," Paul said as he stepped aside for his visitors to come inside.
   "What have you been up to today, Paul?" asked John as they made their way into the living room.
   "Nothing much, really," Paul replied as he stifled a sneeze.
   It was then that John noticed that Paul sounded a bit congested and that, although it was the middle of July, Paul had a jacket on.
   "Paul, why do you have a jacket on?" asked John.
   "You don't think it's a bit chilly in here? "
   "Um, no. It's the middle of July," John said as he leaned over to Paul and felt his forehead.
   "What's the matter, Daddy?" asked Julian.
   "Well, it seems that Uncle Paul is running a fever," replied John with a hint of worry in his voice.
   "I am not!" Paul cried, although he regretted doing so because it irritated his scratchy throat even more.
   "Then why in the world are you wearing a jacket in July?"
   "Well..." Paul started, but was cut off.
   "Can I go get the thermometer so we can check Uncle Paul's temperature?" asked Julian.
   "Of course," John replied as Julian took off running to grab the thermometer.
   "Look John, I'm fine," Paul said as he began to cough.
   "You are not. You've got a cold, but you're in luck because me and Jules are here to make you feel better," John said with a cheeky grin on his face.
   "I've got the thermometer, Daddy!" exclaimed Julian as he ran back into the living room waving the shiny thermometer in his hand.
   "Good, now just stick it right under his tongue."
   "Jules it's very sweet of you but..." Paul was once again cut off, this time, however, it was because a thermometer was being thrust under his tongue.
   "How long do we keep it there, Daddy?"
   "Just until the red line stops rising," replied John.
   A minute or so later the red mercury had stopped rising and it was now time for the moment of truth.
   "How high is it?" Paul groaned.
   "A hundred and two!" John gasped. "Um, that's pretty high, Paul. You really need to rest."
   "It's alright, besides, I'm not having two of my friends that came for a visit take care of me," Paul said, but was soon afflicted with a coughing fit.
   "Paul, first of all it's not alright, and second of all, like you said, we're your friends, we don't mind taking care of you. Isn't that right Jules?"
   "Right," replied Julian.
   "I know, but I still feel bad," said Paul.
   "Exactly! Which is why we're about to make you the comfiest person on earth," exclaimed John.
   "Not really what I meant by 'feel bad', but whatever,"said Paul.
   "Alright, here's what we're going to do. Julian, you're gonna get some blankets and a pillow for Uncle Paul and I'm gonna make some chicken noodle soup," John said.
   "Okey dokey!" Julian cried as he ran off in search of some blankets .
   "Not so fast John! There is no way I'm letting you make me chicken noodle soup. Because, knowing you, I'll end up getting a bowl of water with a few bits of raw chicken floating in it!" exclaimed Paul.
   "Oh, that's funny! You thought I was actually going to make you some? No, Paul I'm just gonna open a can, so you don't have to worry."
   "Thank goodness," Paul replied under his breath.
   "What was that?" John yelled from the kitchen.
   "Oh nothing!" Paul replied.
   Just then Julian came running back into the living room carrying a handful of blankets and a pillow.
   "Alright, Uncle Paul, I've got you some things to make you comfortable."
   "Thank you very much, Julian."
   "You're welcome. Now, here's your pillow and a blanket. Now you can lay down."
   Julian then fixed the pillow behind Paul's head and covered the blanket over him as he laid down.
   "That feels very nice, thank you," Paul drowsily responded.
   Paul didn't want to let on to John or Julian but he really didn't feel well. His entire body ached and he constantly felt cold. His throat was really sore and the simple task of talking was painful. All he really wanted to do was rest and, deep down, he really was thankful that John and Julian were there to take care of him.
   "Alright! The soup is almost ready!" John yelled from the kitchen.


   A little while later, the three had finished their soup, although Paul still wasn't feeling any better.
  "I did a pretty good job with that soup, if I do say so myself, which I am," John bragged.
  "Yeah, you opened that can up like a pro," Paul hoarsly replied with a smile.
  "Oh, shut it!" John chuckled.
   About that time Paul began to cough violently. He felt as though he couldn't stop. He just kept coughing and coughing. John hopped up from the couch to get Paul a glass of water as Julian just watched Paul in fear.
   "Hang on I'm coming," John said as he ran back into the living room with a glass of water. "Here, mate."
    Paul clutched the glass and took a much needed drink.
   "Thanks," he replied as he took several heaving breaths.
   "Paul that really doesn't sound good," John said as he rubbed Paul's back. "Do you want us to go so that you can rest?"
   "No, no. You guys are really helping me out."
   "Alright, we'll stay, but on one condition."
   "What's that?"
   "That you'll stop trying to make us believe that you're alright and actually rest," John replied while crossing his arms. "Don't you think that's fair, Julian?"
   "Yep!" Julian agreed.
   "Oh, alright then," Paul replied as he struggled to keep his eyes opened.
    "Good. Now what you need to do is lay down. You look pretty knackered, " John said as he observed Paul looking sleepier and sleepier by the minute.
    "Ok." Paul yawned as he began to stretch out on the warm, comfy, couch. He laid his head on the fluffy pillow that Julian had given him earlier and covered up with a soft blanket.
    "There, there, Uncle Paulie," Julian said as he began to pet Paul's silky hair. "I hope you feel better soon."
    "I will, thanks to you," McCartney weakly smiled, which caused Julian to also smile. But once again, Paul was afflicted with another violent coughing fit. Once it had passed, Paul just laid there, helplessly moaning in pain.
    "Alright, Julian, I think it's time we left Uncle Paul alone so that he can get to sleep."
    "Oh, you're not leaving, are you?" Paul moaned.
    "Well, you need sleep so..." John began.
    "Please do stay," Paul said as he looked up at John with his big doe eyes. That was all he had to do, for John immediately cried, "Fine!" Paul smiled and laid his head back onto the pillow and closed his eyes.
     "Julian, would you like to take a quick kip as well?"
     "Sure," Julian replied.
     "Ok then. Paul, is there anything else you need before we take a kip? Paul?"
       John and Julian looked down at Paul and found that he was fast asleep. John chuckled as he bent down to feel Paul's forehead once again. Finding that it was very warm he went to the kitchen to wet a towel. He came back with it and laid it over Paul's forehead.
      "There. Now Julian let's take us a kip as well."


      John woke up to find that Julian was asleep on his chest and that Paul was also still asleep. He smiled to himself and looked down at his watch. He gasped, realizing how late it was and nudged Julian to wake him up.
      "Yes, Daddy?" Julian responded sleepily.
      "We've got to go. It's very late and your mum is going to be  worried about us."
      "Alright, but what about Uncle Paul?"
      "I'll tell him we're leaving. He'll be alright." John then walked over to Paul and whispered, "Hey Paul, we're gonna head home since it's so late. Hope you feel better soon." Paul never moved.
      "Goodnight Uncle Paul!" Julian whispered as they walked out of the door into the still night.
      "Goodnight," Paul sleepily whispered as he fell back into a very peaceful sleep. "Come again soon."

     Alright, everyone, that was my very first story! I hope it was alright! I'm working on the next story now so please stay tuned. Feel free to review and tell me what you think! Thanks! :-)

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