Ch 7 The Food War Escalates Pt 2

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Beacon student: Food Fight!

Many students run out the doors to avoid the chaos. Team JNPR are shown to be standing on top of a tower of multiple tables stacked in a ramshackle manner

Nora: Ah-ha-ha I'm the queen of the castle!

Ruby: (Stomping her foot on a table and pointing at Team JNPR.) Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful! (Ruby crushes a carton of milk in her hand.) It will be delicious!

Y/N: Sarah follow me. This is why I've been preparing with that he pushes some buttons on his scroll.

The ground trembles as out reveals a fort of tables with a trench system. Beacon robots line both the fort and the trenches. The trenches are defended by licorice barbed wire, banana peels, and soda cans. The fort is lined with tennis ball launchers and motars. A hidden bunker is held. With this both the shocked Team RWBY and JNPR both knew they need to step up their game.

Location: Hidden Bunker

Y/N looks over a grand map to strategize for the war. With it shows plans and upcoming operations. As for now Team ARTK are simply defending their sector until the counter attack starts.

Y/N: We will crush them. Resistance is futile. We didn't start this war but we will end it. Send in the tanks to do a probe attack.

Sarah: We don't even have tanks. All we have is the robots and the drones.

Y/N: (Sighs) As my second in command Sarah you will direct our soldiers to fire upon the enemies. Operation Scorched Earth is a go; I have a plan but it will take awhile before we can proceed. Now if you excuse me I have to write a memoir about the war.

Y/N: I'm writing this memoir in hopes that future generations will adhere to what they read and steer away from these horrors of war. It all started as tensions rose between our once peaceful nations. This began to set off a chain of alliances that would that would ignite the world. The tyrannical nation of Nora would start this global conflict with the failure of a assassination attempt on Weiss's life. After the failure on Weiss's life her nation sent out an ultimatum demanding terms that they must do. Nora decline thus the alliance known as RWBY having to honor their agreements of declaring war on a nation if one of the member nations were to be attack did so. The nations of Ruby, Weiss, Yang, and Blake all declared war to the nation of Nora on July 28, 1914. In response to this the Nora called in her allies. A day later the nation's of Jaune, Pyrrha, and Ren declared war on RWBY. Little did they all know with modern technologies catching up it would favor the defender rather than the attacker. As for us, ARTK, we were considered a highly strategic nation for both sides. It offered a passage between the mountainous terrain where heavy artillery can't go through. We declared our neutrality yet JNPR's alliance demanded territorial access but we refused. In response they invaded our nation, but knowing escalations were at an all time high we build a series of forts on both sides. RWBY in response to this attack asked for territorial access as well as to "combat JNPR and to protect our nation's sovereignty and neutrality." We would once again declined by saying that we can handle the situation but they insisted. One week later they mobilized their military forces on the shared border and invaded our nation. Surrounded and threaten by all sides we fought on knowing that this will be a battle of attrition. They may look at us with contempt, but it shall not be us who is ruled over. Currently our top scientist are working on a weapon that will end this three way war as the years dragged on, but until it happens we defend to the last man. If it's a war they want, it's a war they'll get!

Sarah: Again none of this happened. Now you're just using some details from the World Wars.

Y/N: Eh, remember I did say it's for a more immersive experience. Command the robots to begin Operation Scorched Earth. So basically just throw in apples and oranges in the motors to launch motor strikes, grapes and peas in the tennis ball launchers, and drop baguettes along with pies from the drones to do air strikes.

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