2- Change.

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I woke up earlier than my alarm and my mum wasn't beside me as usual. By now, I'm supposed to be used to it but I wasn't. I crawled out of bed and had my bath. I quickly dressed up and headed down to the kitchen for breakfast. I love eating breakfast silently. The thought of being alone and in your mind is very calming.

"Rave! Raven!" I heard my mother shout from the roof. I stayed seated as I ate my cereal. "Raven, how many times would I complain about drinking before you stop it?" She asked as she came down the stairs and walked to the kitchen. Our regular morning routine. I watched her as she stood opposite the counter shouting at me. I could see her worry lines becoming more prominent. She looked older and her hair looked unkept. She looked frail and fragile. The way her body shook as she shouted, made me fearful.

"... Is it Nia and Abigail? Is it because I allow you to bring them over or something?"

"Don't talk about them like that." I whispered so that she could hear. She visibly shook in anger.

"Are you acting out? Is this because of Sara? I blame your father. Such a whore." She shouted and I stood up annoyed. I grabbed my bag and moved towards the door. "Where the hell are you going to?"

"To Nia's. I'd rather be there than here. I now know why dad cheated." I said before walking out of the house.

Annoyed? Yes.

Angry? Hell yeah.

Will I still go back home? Definitely.

Will she complain? Absolutely.


Walking into the creative writing class, I felt a little bit comfortable. The clash I had with my mum made me feel angry. I wanted to say so much to her. My senses were on a high and i knew that I was going to have to apologize to whoever crosses my path, later. I took a seat at the back, a seat that I've picked since I started Willow Creek. Vincent strolled into class and sat beside me. Sara's seat again. It annoyed me but I couldn't say anything. This class was a class that all my friends picked so that we could be together at least once throughout the day. I smiled as Abigail walked in and sat to my left as usual followed by Josh who sat in front of Abigail, next to Geraldine and I scoffed. He used to sit to the left of Abigail, at least when Sara was here.

"Good afternoon, aspiring writers." Miss Susan said as she walked into the class. She stood with her back to us as she wrote the word 'presentation' on the board. "So who is coming up today?" She asked and I noticed a few eyes turn to me. I tried my best to shrink into my seat or maybe disappear but it didn't work. "Ah, our favorite writer, Raven Michaels. Our second version of Melanie." I stood up and grabbed my notebook before walking slowly to the front of the class.

"I know you need this." Miss Susan whispered to me as she climbed down the podium to my seat. "Begin."

I cleared my throat. "Miss Susan told us to write about the most painful moment and make it passionate as possible so here goes. Also I did this at the last moment and it is in pieces but I'll try to write it together later." A few people giggled at my introduction but I felt shaky.

Take a deep breath, child.
Tell me your story.
Does it end like mine?
Will I be in tears?
Did you scar yourself every night, just like I did?
Did you dream of being normal?
Was he worth your time?

With a small voice, I whisper, 'Yes' into the thin air.
I still dream of being normal.
I dream of waking up each day, feeling loved and having to experience love, unconditionally.
I dream of never seeing pain or feeling it.
I dream of us.

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