5- Presentation

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It was finally the day of my presentation with Vincent. I was prepared, a lot more prepared than I planned. My mum had dropped me at school earlier than usual because she had to get to work early. She made me sit in the car with her for a while before she let me out. It was a little comforting but I couldn't tell her.

"You look pale." Vincent greeted me immediately he saw me. "Are you okay?" Thousand thoughts roamed through my mind. Can he see me? Does he know what I've been doing at night?

"Yeah." I nodded before pushing my hands into the pocket of my hoodie. "Are you prepared?"

"Yeah, but I'm not sure if I can do it." He admitted and I searched his face. He looked tired and his eyes were dull. "It's too emotional for me, it brought back memories that I didn't want to remember."

"Let's go to the class." I asked and he nodded before we walked to class. Together. From the corner of my eye, I spotted Josh staring at me. At Vincent. At Vincent and I. He turned to look at Geraldine and he hugged her, tightly against his torso. My heart squeezed and I turned away from them and stared at the floor as we walked. I wasn't prepared. I wasn't ready. I don't think I can give the presentation.

Vincent held the door open for me and I gave him a small smile before moving to my seat. He quickly followed and we sat down. The bell rang and students piled into the class. Miss Susan walked into the class and smiled at us. She gave me a small wink and my heart beat began to pick up.

"Good morning everyone." She announced and a few people muttered 'good morning' to her. "So for the past week we've been giving our presentation and it's time for the last set. Vincent Lloyd and Raven Michelle." I looked at Vincent and I could see sadness wash over his face before he stood up. He looked at me and I gave a small nod before standing up and we both walked to the front of the class.

"Are you ready?" He asked me and I nodded. I looked over at Miss Susan and she gave me a small smile and I turned to Vincent, returning the smile I received.

"I wore a pink underwear. I let it lay on my skin all day even though I know I shouldn't." I started and I waited for Vincent to say his part.

He cleared his throat. "I wore a blue underwear. It made me feel more alive than I've been in a long time."

"Pink reminds me of love. Hot burning love. Love with no restrictions, unadulterated love and I wondered if you wear pink too." I turned to look at Vincent while he stared at the class. The silence from the class made me feel comfortable, a little.

"Blue reminds me of cold, hard love. Unrequited. One sided but wholesome. Will I let you love me? Will I let myself hurt you by not returning the love?" He turned to face me and he gave me a small smile signally for me to continue. I stared into his eyes and I wondered what exactly happened to him.

"Will you love me wholesomely? Will I complete you the way you complete me? It'll break my heart if your love is blue." Staring into his eyes as I recited my part of the presentation felt so emotional. I felt drawn to him and it terrified me more than anything else.

He got down on his knees and held out a hand. It was all part of the presentation but my heart flutter. "Take my hand and let me show you love. Neither Blue nor Pink. Let me show you love that is not defined by colour nor place nor race nor gender."

I turned away from him, making me stand with my back to him. "But today I wore blue."

He stood up and we took a bow before walking to our seats. The whole class was silent and I was scared. I hated being the topic of discussion more than anything. I looked at Vincent and he was staring down at his notebook. He was reading something and if I moved a little closer, I'll be able to read a little part of it but I didn't.

"That was such a marvelous presentation." Miss Susan announced and the whole class erupted with an applause. I felt my phone vibrate from my pocket and I dug it out. It was from the group chat.

Abigail: They're totally fucking. Did you see the way they were eye fucking each other. Goals.

Josh: Are they dating?? Or??

Abigail: I don't know, ask her yourself but Vincent does look mighty fine.

Josh: Not really.

Abigail: If I wasn't with Nia...

Josh: He isn't all that.

Abigail: Jealous Much??

Josh: I'm not jealous. I'm just looking out for Raven.

Raven: Don't call me Raven!

Josh: @Rave Do you guys have a thing going on?

Abigail: Jealous much????????????

Josh: She only ever notices when I call her Raven. Smh.

Abigail: Maybe, I don't know, she doesn't like it.

Josh: Sarcasm doesn't work in texts.


School was over and I hadn't said a single word to Vincent since our presentation. He stood by his locker alone, using his phone and I felt it was a good opportunity to talk to him. I rehearsed what I was going to tell him. I rehearsed my confession and I knew it sucked but I would be a lot more relived even if he rejects me.

"Hey." I greeted him and he looked up at me before looking back down. Odd. "Vincent?"

"See, I know I was trying to really get to know you and such but I'm not interested, one bit." I was slightly taken aback at his words. "I just needed that to be out there so that we can both move on from whatever this is."


"I've been in positions like this before and I'm not ready for that again." He interrupted me and I nodded before walking away. I kept my head down as I walked. I didn't want anyone to see me holding back my tears. I didn't know why I felt heart broken. I thought Vincent was the change in my life but he's just as terrible as Josh. He didn't even like you. I took a deep breath and began my walk home. He'll never like you.

Maybe I was a bet. Maybe he made a bet with his friends and he probably failed. Was he really serious?

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