3- Boyfriend.

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"So you've got a boyfriend now eh?" Vincent asked as we sat in my room for our study date. My mum was more than happy to see Vincent, knowing my track record with Josh. My mum wanted me to make more friends and probably find a boyfriend that I can be depended on, the way I was dependent on Josh.

"He's not my boyfriend." I frowned, referring back to lunch when Josh had kissed my cheek in front of Geraldine. I didn't know how to react to the kiss so I smiled and carried on the conversation. It hurt that Josh was probably using me to make Geraldine jealous but it also warmed my heart that he was at least getting closer to Abigail, Nia and I again.

"Your friends with benefit? I thought you hated him." Vincent said as he sat on my spinning chair. He took a spin and I almost yelled at him to stop. I hated when the people around me didn't use my things the way I use it.

"He's not my friend with benefit. I never hated him. I just didn't like what happened." I said and he corked his eyebrow at me. He took another spin. "Stop that!"

"Okay, okay!" He raised his hands in mock surrender. "So what happened?" He asked and I shook my head, signalling no more question.

"So back to our 'assignment'." I turned to Vincent. "Any ideas? And it has to be a duet cause that's how she rolls."

"How about what happened between you Josh? Tell me and I'll try to retell it." I frowned at him. "OK OK! How about we start with something that is so embarrassing. Maybe a secret, maybe a relationship." I didn't know why Vincent was suddenly interested in my relationship with Josh. If I told him about how I was a terrible girlfriend, would I ruin my chances with him? What am I thinking? I don't want a relationship with Vincent not to talk of Josh.

"I just got an idea and its kind of embarrassing but not so much." I said as I began to write in my notebook. Vincent was puzzled at my sudden reaction but I couldn't care.

"Have you got a Valentine?" He asked and I glanced at him before going back to my book. "Answer me, Raven." He demanded and although I didn't show it, his change in time affected me, pleasurably. I definitely would be thinking about his voice later at night.

"It's Rave not Raven." I snarled at him and he hummed in response. His voice sounded heavenly and it made me smile a little.

"I could be your Valentine. You don't have a Valentine, neither do I so it just makes sense." He said softly and I took a deep breath. "Are you okay?"

"What?" I asked and he nodded at the direction of my hand. It was shaking softly but noticeable. I dug my hand into the pocket of my jacket. I hated when my anxiety showed. I hated when my body reacted before my brain did. My mum always told me that the reason why my body language is very visible is because I don't speak up. I didn't believe her, I don't think I'll ever believe that crap but I let her roll with it.

"Raven are you okay?" He asked again and I nodded. He sighed before going back to his books.


"So we'll meet up again tomorrow?" Vincent asked as I walked him to the door. I nodded and pushed my hands into the pocket of jacket. My fingers were tingling and I know very soon, they would be visibly shaking. I didn't want him to notice. Is separation anxiety a real thing?

"Yeah, maybe when my mum's not home?" I suggested and he smiled cheekily. I opened the door and gestured for him to leave. He took a bow and I smiled a little. I needed him to leave. I needed to take a deep breath and relax for a second. I think he knew because as we studied, he kept asking me if I was okay. I loved the thought that he cared but he sounded annoying, I could've cut off his mouth.

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