6- Date

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Nia, Abigail and I were standing in the parking lot of the school and I was beyond tired. For the past two weeks I've been tired and weak. My mum complained a lot about it but I didn't tell her anything, as usual.

"Can we come over?" Nia asked me and I nodded. I was staring at Vincent who was seated with some of his friends. "Do you still have any booze left?" I shook my head and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath. I needed to say my confession. I needed to let my heart be free.

"I like Vincent and it terrifies me every single day. I thought, maybe, the whole presentation thing brought us closer but unfortunately, it made us move farther apart every single second." I sighed and turned to my friends. "It scares me that I could feel this way for someone that doesn't like me but life goes on, right?" Nia and Abigail looked at each other before hugging me. I didn't feel comforted. I felt clustered. I felt tight. I needed space. I needed to breathe. My right wrist was starting to sting but I tried my best not to wince in pain. I wanted to cry and not because of my confession but because of the pain from my wrist.

"I didn't know you felt this way." Abigail said as she let go off me before Nia did.

Nia sighed. "Thank you for opening up to us." Nia hugged me again and rubbed my hair. "You don't have to give up. Life doesn't go on in fear and regret." She let go off me and searched my eyes and she glanced at Abigail.

"Rave, go over there and invite him over. Its not a date or anything. Just hanging out with us this night." Abigail said and I shook my head. I wasn't ready.

"Just go." Nia said as she turned me around and pushed me towards the direction of Vincent. I slowly walked until I got to Vincent's line of view. He looked over at his friends and muttered something to them. They all gave him cheeky smiles before they left. I walked with my head down and hands buried in my pockets. 59 steps. I stood in front of Vincent and my heart couldn't resist the urge to pound against my chest. I felt out of breath and tired. Turn back, it's no use. He doesn't like you. He never will.

"Hey." He said, tapping on the space beside him. I climbed onto the hood of his car and sat beside him, close enough for his scent to engulf me. He'll ruin you.

"Hey." I turned to look at my friends and they urged me with hand gestures and I shook my head at them. "So, um, I wanted to invite you to hangout with I and my friends at my place. Nothing fancy. Just us, booze, blunt and maybe a little bit of music."

"You had me at weed." He joked and I smiled a little. "You don't seem okay. Is anything the problem?"

"No, I'm just tired, that's all." I said and he nodded. "I should be on my way now."

"Maybe one day, we'll hangout. Just us." He suggested and I shrugged. I wasn't going to seem like I really cared. I also didn't want to seem like I got his double meaning. He wants to go on a date with me? I jumped down from the car and gave him a small smile before leaving.

"Did he say yes?" Abigail asked as I walked up to them and I nodded. "Our baby is growing up. I feel like a proud mama."

"I feel like a proud papa." Nia smiled as she spoke which made me smile too. "We are really proud parents. Oh my, you have to dress up. No more jean or black. Something bright and doesn't have a pocket." I hate it. I hate when Nia and Abigail dressed me up. I hate the fact that they would be so close to finding out my secret.

"I have pockets in all my clothes." I said and Nia gave me a look. "I like my pockets."

"I have this really cute dress that dad brought for me. It was a size down so it should fit perfectly." Nia said as she eyed me. She moved behind me and placed her hands on my shoulder and moved her hands down my arm, pulling down my jacket. I gripped the body of the jacket, trying really hard not to let go.

"Nia, stop it." I complained as I tried to pull it up but she struggled with me. "Nia." I warned but she kept struggling with me.

"What's going on?" I heard before turning to the direction of the voice. It was Josh and my heart sunk. With my sudden distraction, Nia completely removed the jacket and I sighed. I buried my hands into my jean pockets, hoping to feel comfortable. I also tried to hide my wrist from them. They wouldn't understand.

"We are trying to get her ready for her date with Vincent?" Abigail admitted and I gave her a look. A flash of anger washed over his face for a brief second but it disappeared the same way it came.

"Oh really? I didn't know you guys we're dating?" Josh asked while he stared at me. I felt like disappearing so I dug my hands deeper into my pockets. He wants to ruin you too. He's not jealous. Who will be jealous because of you. Jealous because of Rave, that's bullshit.

"They're not dating. We invited him over to hangout. That's all." Nia tried to make the tension lessen and I silently thanked her with my eyes. I felt hands rub my arms and I turned behind me. Vincent leaned down to my ear.

"You look uncomfortable. Want to take a walk?" He asked and I nodded frantically. He grabbed my wrist and I winced at the pain but I didn't show it. He needs to know what you've been doing at night. He needs to know how disgusting you are.

"Nia, my jacket." I said as I grabbed my jacket off her hand and placed it around my shoulder. "Go home without me. I'll meet you there."

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