4- Valentine.

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During the first class of the day, a girl walked into class, carrying bunches of roses. Abigail seemed quite happy because she was used to the amount of attention she gets from her secret admirers. I, on the other hand, wasn't to pleased with the idea of someone handing out flowers sent by a mysterious person. The girl began her mission with Natalie as her first target. I wasn't surprised. Jacqueline had a lot of admirers from different guys because of the naivety and good girl act she had. We all know she was just acting.

The girl walked up to me with a big smile and handed me a single rose. "Yours was special and I was order to tell you that you shouldn't open it until its time for lunch. I think he really likes you." She winked at me and walked out of the class. I could feel eyes on me as I kept the rose in my bag, trying to ignore the nagging feeling to open to letter attached to the rose.

Lunch came slower than I hoped and I was irritated. The lettered stayed in my bag for a long time and I could feel my anxiety attack me. I waited by my locker until the hallway was cleared before taking the rose out of my bag. I opened the letter attached to it and I felt a little bit relieved.


A single rose
For you.

You deserve more
But a single rose describes you.

Will you go to the dance with me?

Yes or Yes.

PS. Please say yes. I'll literally cry myself to sleep.

I frowned and crumbled the paper in my hand and pushed it into my pocket. I opened my locker and placed the rose inside. I could hear footsteps walking to my direction and I turned to see Vincent, with a smile plastered on his face.

"There's a reason why the rose is plastic." He started. "Yes or Yes." I crossed my arms on my chest and frowned slightly.

"How about 'no'." I said and he pouted. "Vincent I don't do dances. Especially the Valentine dance."

He walked closer to me which made me take a few steps backwards. "Are you scared of me?"

"I'm scared of myself. I'm scared of what I could do to you and what I wouldn't do to you so please just let me be." I explained and he nodded. He turned and walked back to the cafeteria. I wanted to reach out to him and hold his hand or tell him what he wanted to hear. I wanted to tell him what I really wanted to say but I knew I had to protect him and myself too.



"I heard Vincent asked you to the dance?" Abigail screamed at me and I covered my ears in annoyance. Nia had a proud smile on her face while I was shooting them daggers with my eyes.

"What did you say? Yes or no?" Nia asked and I shrugged. I took a sip from the can of beer. "Rave, you gotta tell us. Yes or no?"

I cleared my throat. "I said no." They immediately frowned. "The little date he planned was good and all but that doesn't mean he's gotten a free pass to the dance. I don't even want to go. I don't want people to see us and automatically think we're an item. I don't think he'll like it. I can't even try to builds relationship with anyone again. I've tried and it didn't work out so I'm not trying-"

"Forget about what you think. What about Vincent? He'll probably not care about what people say. You gotta stop making decisions for people." Nia nagged and I felt offended. When have I ever made decisions for other people? They legit make my decisions all day. "You need to go."

"I don't have what to wear." I mumbled against the can pressed to my lips. I took a large gulp and sighed.

"You could wear that black satin dress I got you. The one with the slits." Abigail suggested and I shook my head frantically. I hated that dress because it wasn't covering my body.

Nia gasped. "You could also wear that cute jacket your mum got. We'll let you wear your docs if you don't feel comfortable but we'll chose the one you'll wear." Nia and Abigail squealed and began to talk to themselves. I looked up at the sky and began to count the stars slowly forcing myself to fall asleep.



The gym was crowed and it was hard to spot Vincent. I felt exposed to the eyes of the school and it annoyed me. I was used to people talking about me but I wasn't used to people talking about my body.

"... Check out her legs."

"... I could tap that."

"... She looks hot."

I cringed at the thought of people staring at me and my legs. I quickly walked to the bleachers and sat down, crossing my legs in the nicest way possible. I could see Helena with her crew and Vincent was in their midst. My heart skipped at the sight of Vincent dressed up in a nice suit but jealousy washed over me when I saw Helena lean closer to him and whispered something in his ears. He laughed and I suddenly felt stupid for coming here. Nia and Abigail advised me that I should surprise Vincent at the dance.

Helena and her friends walked away from him and I decided to take that as a cue to walk towards him but immediately I got to the middle of the dancefloor, he walked away. The song changed to Naked by James Arthur and I smiled a little. I walked back to the bleachers and saw Vincent a few feet's away from me with Helena.

"Oh my gosh! What the hell is she wearing?" Helena shrieked at me but I looked ahead like I wasn't hearing their conversation. I sighed, maybe any form of school gathering wasn't for me.

"I think she looks pretty hot, if you ask me." I heard Vincent say to Helena and I smiled a little. "She's my date for the dance. I thought she wouldn't make it." Vincent walked away from Helena, making his way towards me. "I'm standing here naked, Raven. I'm always here, waiting for you."

"How did you know that I'll be here?" I asked and he flashed me a cunning smile. "Tell me."

"Nia told me. She texted me telling me that I should expect you." He said smugly and I felt annoyance course through me. "Don't get mad. She's trying to help us both." He sat beside me and placed his hand around my waist, pulling me close to him.

"Vincent, I'm scared of what will happen if we decide to cross the line. I don't think I'll handle it properly and maybe you'll hate it but I just think-"

"We won't cross any line. We'll just be us. Vincent and Raven. Nothing more,nothing less." He said and I leaned closer to him. We watched everyone dance to the music playing, making small conversations,until it was time to go home.

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