Part Two - Memory's

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(Your POV, Hydra base)
You sat on your single bed in your small boring room as you looked out of you glass pane wall too all the hydra employees working. They where probably planning some sort of invention to destroy the world or something, none of your business really.

Your room or ,cell, seemed the more appropriate word for it as you where never allowed to leave it unless accompanied, consisted of three grey walls, some with engraved writing on it from when you got bored. The wall in front of you was completely glass allowing Hydra to see in without actually having to enter the cell.

You rolled your eyes as you see yet another one of hydras sucky inventions blow up and numerous employees quickly run to fire extinguishers to get rid of the flames. If only they let me help them you always told yourself.

you where quite smart, you knew your way around things and if they ever let you help on there inventions you knew that you would most definitely come up with something better than there worthless employees did.

Your mind ticked back to the fact that it was your graduating day or Birthday as normal people call it, it was nothing special really. I mean if you think of the word graduation you would think of some sort of party of award you win but in Hydras terms it basically meant "ooouu yay you've survived another year at hydra without dying or getting yourself killed" which in your mind was an accomplishment that they never seemed to appreciate.

You knew that from today you where now 17 years old, for some reason hydra didn't care that you knew your age I guess it doesn't really matter, it's your age you can't exactly sell it to a secret government.

Your eyes set on the name Bucky engraved on the wall from the last time he was in your cell, he tend to visit to keep you company and Hydra let him so you didn't go mentally insane from boredom. A memory suddenly filled your head, a memory of him.

"How's my favourite badass killing assasin doing today?" Bucky asked as he entered your cell and came and sat on your bed beside you. Yes, believe it or not he did have a sense of humour, even if his brain at this point was as messed up as yours. "Bored" you simply replied looking up at the ceiling, "not giving you enough missions are they?" He asks as you turn your gaze to him. "It's not that, it's just the same old thing every day, it's a bore" you say looking into his eyes. "There's something you need to know" Bucky said his gaze suddenly turning serious, "listen, hydra, there- there getting out of control, in a not so good way, just" Bucky said seeming to loose his words, "Is this too do with your past mission? You haven't been the same since then" You question as he looks down to the floor, "they made me fight someone- someone I swear I knew-" he said but was cut off by a Hydra employee saying that his time was up and he had to leave. Just before he left he quickly engraved his name into the wall with the random stone that was laying on the ground, "don't let them take your memory's away, your memory's of me, trust me" he says sternly before walking out the door.

Bucky was the only person you had ever trusted, I guess it was because he was the only person who had stuck with you ever since you could remember, he was important and you felt angry that he had left without warning, angry that he never said goodbye.

Suddenly the door to your cell opened and Elias Fischer walked in, he was practically your leader, your boss, but he hasn't always been. Practically every leader of Hydra had been murdered, you didn't really care, they where all annoying little pricks anyway.

Elias wasn't bad, well, he wasn't as bad as your previous leaders, he treated you fairly and he knew what you wanted. "Ahh our favourite assasin" Elias says his thick German accent strong and manly as he puts his hand on your shoulder, "ready for another mission?" He questions, "always" you reply, getting up and getting ready to leave.

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