Part Twenty Three - The Start of Hell

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(Your POV, the Sanctum)
"If Thanos needs all 6 then why can't we just stick this one down the garbage disposal" Tony says pointing to what you learnt was the time stone. "Did you not listen to what He said" you say rolling your eyes at Tony, "we swore an oath to protect the time stone with our lives" Wong says quite seriously. "And I swore off dairy but then Ben and Jerry's names a flavour after me so" Tony says as you sigh at his sarcasm, "a bit chalky" Doctor Strange adds as you and Wong share a look as if to say Are we seriously talking about Ice Cream right now?

"Whatever point is things change" Tony says dramatically, "pfft tell me about it" you sigh raising your eyebrows, "our oath to protect the time stone cannot change, this stone and y/n may be the best chance we have to defeat Thanos" Doctor Strange adds, "and converse this may be the best chance he has against us" Tony says raising his voice, "that is if we don't do our jobs" Doctor Strange says seeming to keep his cool.

"What is your job exactly other then making balloon animals?" Tony asks as you raise your eyebrows at him tying to tell him to calm down, "protecting your reality, douchebag" Doctor Strange smirks.

"Guys seriously? There a big Purple grape looking dude about to attack the Earth and your arguing, shouldn't we be planning something?" You say as they both roll there eyes at you, "jee sorry" you add putting your hands up in protest.

"The fact is, is that we have this stone, we know where it is, vision is out there somewhere with the mind stone and we have to find him now" Bruce says seeming to be stressing, "Yeah that's the thing, two weeks ago vision turned of his transponder, his off line" Tony says with his arms crossed.

"What!?" Both you and Bruce say at the same time, "why do you not tell me anything!" You say a little too harshly, "maybe because your a teenage girl, with powers almost as powerful as this Thanos guy and a bad temper!" Tony says raising his voice, "okay that's offensive" you say seeming to be better at keeping your cool then Tony.

"Don't worry y/n I think you're pretty cool" Bruce says giving you a warm smile, "I never said she wasn't cool" Tony says as you roll your eyes and look over at Doctor Strange, "Well it sounds like you have something against her" Bruce argues as you notice a portion of Doctor Strange's hair moving on its own.

"Say Doc you wouldn't happen to be moving your hair would you?" You question as he looks around just as confused as you, "not at the moment no" he says as you turn your head in confusion.

You turn your gaze up to the large hole in the ceiling where Bruce came through to see multiple pieces of rubbish flying in the air, you then look to the door to see people running past, they looked..... terrified.

Tony rushes to the door first, you following closely behind, he opens the door and the sound of screams storm your ears, people where running everywhere, cars where jammed from miles up. Tony and yourself rush through the crowd, trying not to bump into any of the passing people.

"Got your suit handy y/n?" Tony asks as you clasp the gadget in your hand, "always" you reply as you continue to look around confused as to what was happening, "keep it handy" Tony says as a women passing by you trips over, you instinctively helping her up, "are you okay?!" You ask practically having to yell over the screams but she doesn't reply as she continues to run.

"Help him" Tony yells motioning Doctor Strange And Wong to help a man stuck in a car. "Y/n go back to the Sanctum and put your suit on, then come back and fly above us, if you see anyone hurt help them" Tony orders as you nod and run back to the sanctum the wind getting harsher making it harder for you to run.

You finally reach the Sanctum and press the small gadget up against your chest and watch as your suit creeps out of it covering your body, you then quickly pull the mask over your head before running out of the Sanctum and using your purple magic to help you fly a couple metres from the ground.

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